
5G Penetration Is Rapidly Gaining Momentum, Says Ericsson CEO
How Wendy’s Innovated the Digital Journey To Improve the Customer Experience
What we see is the 5G penetration is rapidly gaining momentum, says Ericsson CEO Borje Ekholm. Just over the last two years, it’s been accelerated by more than a year. We see a very drastic acceleration of the demand for 5G.
 Speed and convenience and really driving consistency of operations are core themes, says Wendy’s CEO Todd Penegor. You think about how you can continue to drive speed. The digital journey is a big one.
Microsoft Makes Desktop Analytics Available Commercially
Cisco CEO Says 5G Networks Could Be Active In 2 to 3 Years
Microsoft has announced the commercial release of Desktop Analytics, a “cloud-connected service that integrates with System Center Configuration Manager.”
The carriers today are building the consumer 5G networks, and they don’t require a massive backbone upgrade when you just increase bandwidth to lots of mobile phones.

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Germany Won’t Exclude Huawei 5G Equipment The Next Big Streaming War Is Going To Be Internationally… and Netflix Has a Huge Lead
Germany has completed its ‘security catalog,’ a set of rules telecommunications companies must comply with as they deploy 5G networks. I think Netflix is just so ahead internationally in reaching out and creating subscriber growth and subscribers in general. We are looking at it with a very US-centric perspective.
Amazon VP Says 58% of Sales Come From Small Businesses We Plan to Have 30 5G Cities By Year-End, Says Verizon CEO
Over 50% of everything that gets sold on Amazon actually comes from small and medium-sized businesses. Their success is our success so we’re definitely focused on doubling down on that. We have a plan to have 30 5G cities by year-end, says Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg. We are at 13 right now so we’re adding every week.

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