TODAY'S TOP STORIES - January 29, 2017

6 Cringe-Inducing Moments From Trump's First Week You Might Have Missed

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

It's easy to get lost in the president's blizzard of vileness. READ MORE»

America's Founding Fathers Warned Us About Men Like Donald Trump

By Jim Sleeper, AlterNet

The original Tea Party targeted crony capitalists. Today's would be wise to follow its example. READ MORE»

The War on Abortion Is Only Just Beginning

By Jessica Valenti, The Guardian

The Trump administration is rapidly setting a disastrous course for women’s health and rights. READ MORE»

Protesters Rally for Refugees Detained at JFK After Trump's Anti-Muslim Executive Order

By Nicholas Loffredo, Newsweek

Thousands gathered in solidarity at the New York City airport Saturday. READ MORE»

Bill Moyers: Donald Trump Is Turning American Democracy into Demolition Derby

By Bill Moyers,

Affordable health care? Smash it. Fair pay for working people? Crush it. And on and on. READ MORE»

Trump's Refugee Ban Echoes One of the Darkest Chapters in American History

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

A new social media project gives historical perspective to Trump's executive order. READ MORE»

The Christian Community's Support of Donald Trump Broke My Heart

By Anna Anderson, The Establishment

How can I trust my fellow church-goers again after such a devastating betrayal? READ MORE»

Texas Governor Pelted with Used Menstrual Products After He Signs 'Fetal Burial' Order

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Records reveal at least 17 women have mailed Greg Abbott through December of 2016. READ MORE»

Climate Change Is Impacting Food Spoilage, and Technology Is Coming to the Rescue

By Terry Myers, AlterNet

Goods are perishing faster, wreaking havoc on supply chains. Enter smart sensors. READ MORE»

Trump Is Putting America on a Path to Warp-Speed National Decline

By D. Watkins, Salon

The days of touting our "exceptionalism" to the rest of the world are emphatically over. READ MORE»

To Prevent Species Extinction Due to Trump's Lack of Climate Action, Local Communities Must Step Up (Yes, This Means You)

By Margi Prideaux, AlterNet

The only way out of this mess is for communities to manage and protect their wild places and animals. READ MORE»

No President Cares More About Size—So Let's Show Trump How Many of Us Oppose Him

By Hadley Freeman, The Guardian

Change comes from a mobilized electorate. The women's march can only be the start. READ MORE»

Are You In Shape Or Just Thin?

By Elana Glowatz, Medical Daily

Weight isn't always an indication of health.  READ MORE»

How Trump Could Turn America's Syria Policy Upside Down

By Franklin Lamb, CounterPunch

The Middle East expects big changes under Trump, and they're likely to get them. READ MORE»

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