TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 4, 2016

6 Things You Need to Know About the Bombshell 'Panama Papers' Leak

Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

An anonymous whistleblower unloads massive trove of files exposing how world leaders and other elites hide money and evade taxes. READ MORE»

Watch: John Oliver Rips Trump's Idiocy About Nuclear Weapons

Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A Trump presidency is rated among the world's greatest threats for reasons just like this.  READ MORE»

Sanders Exposes More Inequality: Low-Income Americans Die Earlier and Lose Out on Social Security

Marlena Fitzpatrick García, AlterNet

A new GAO study commissioned by Bernie Sanders uncovers more insidious inequality. READ MORE»

Here's What Happens When a U.S. Senator Calls for Israel to Be Held Accountable for Atrocities

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Sen. Patrick Leahy wants Israel and Egypt investigated for brutal killings committed with American military aid. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Truthers: Theories Spread He’s Trying to Sabotage His Campaign After His Disastrous Week from Hell

By Sean Illing, Salon

"I believe Trump senses he is in over his head and doesn't really want the nomination," said one GOP strategist. READ MORE»

Proof of the Bernie Effect: Hillary Advocates for $15 Minimum Wage With Gov. Cuomo in New York

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

New York Gov. Cuomo stands with Hillary but speaks Bernie's message.  READ MORE»

'Love Trumps Hate': Actress Rosario Dawson on Why She Supports Bernie Sanders

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Dawson was among the more than 16,000 people gathered in St. Mary’s Park in the South Bronx for a Bernie Sanders rally. READ MORE»

Watch: Mexican Construction Worker Sends Perfect Message to Donald Trump Atop One of Trump's Buildings

By Marlena Fitzpatrick García, AlterNet

Diego Reyna hopes his message of "love and unity," will reach Trump. READ MORE»

Chicago Teachers Launch One-Day Strike to Protest Funding Cuts, but It's Much Bigger Than Just a Contract Fight

By Aaron Cynic, Chicagoist

"We are dying the death of a thousand cuts," said Teachers Union president Karen Lewis. READ MORE»

Ironic: Broadway Mega-Hit 'Hamilton' Criticized Over 'Non-White' Casting Call

By Marlena Fitzpatrick García, AlterNet

Apparently not casting whites violates New York City human rights. READ MORE»

Interracial Couple Evicted from Miss. RV Park: ‘You Didn’t Tell Me You Was Married to No Black Man’

By David Edwards, Raw Story

The landlord admitted he evicted them over race.  READ MORE»

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