TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 1, 2017

6 Major Ways Donald Trump Is Bringing Chaos to Our Lives

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A more volatile global era is taking shape. READ MORE»

You Might Be Surprised Where the Leading Areas of Drug Overdose Are in the U.S.

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

New research reveals a shocking development in America's major suburbs. READ MORE»

What Happens to a Country Whose Leader Can't Say 'I'm Sorry'

By Marty Kaplan, AlterNet

He’s spent a lifetime banging his highchair and blaming the dog for his mess. READ MORE»

Trump's Climate Change Denial Is Getting Truly Weird

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Climate-change denialists were already terrible, but they've grown bolder and more bizarre in the age of Trump. READ MORE»

U.S. Border Agents Are Doing 'Digital Strip Searches'—Here's How to Protect Yourself

By Olivia Solon, The Guardian

The number of mobile phones being searched at the U.S. border is exploding, but certain steps can help secure your privacy. READ MORE»

Trump Embodies the Problems That a Growing Revolution Is Building to Change

By Peter Buffett, YES! Magazine

Since the president sees himself foremost as a negotiator, perhaps it’s time for a negotiated revolution. Not to break us apart, but to bring us together. READ MORE»

Dan Rather Sees Trump's Presidency Spiraling Downward With No Hope of Recovery

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

"There seems to be no ballast of seriousness or sober mindedness to right the ship." READ MORE»

Soundtrack to the Resistance: Our First 100 Days Fights Trump With Riffs and Beats

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

If we can't dance, it's not our revolution.  READ MORE»

Will Maryland See a Big Victory for Those Fighting School Privatization and Over-Testing?

By Rachel M. Cohen, The American Prospect

The national battle over vouchers and charters is going full tilt in Maryland. READ MORE»

Why a Bad Mood Could be a Good Thing

By Kira M. Newman, YES! Magazine

Five reasons why the quest for constant happiness is misguided. READ MORE»

Feminism and Labor Are Critical Parts in the Growing Resistance Against Trump and Right-Wing Misogyny

By Lane Windham, The American Prospect

Today's feminism has the power to change not just politics, but the nation's economic landscape, too. READ MORE»

Could This Be the End of Federal Marijuana Prohibition?

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

A trio of bills introduced Thursday points the way toward the end of federal marijuana prohibition. READ MORE»

The Secret Behind the Funky Smells and Tastes of Marijuana

By Himanshu Goenka, International Business Times

Can you say "terpene synthase gene"? READ MORE»

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