TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 13, 2016

6 Unhinged Right-Wing Moments This Week: The Denial of Reality Hits New Heights

Janet Allon, AlterNet

Omarosa and other members of Trump's insane clown posse scramble to explain the violence at his rallies. READ MORE»

California Board of Ed Tramples on Local Control, Pushes Charter School on Poor Community That Doesn't Want It

Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The system is rigged for charters and against local control. READ MORE»

Blowing the Biggest Political Story of the Last Fifty Years

Neal Gabler, Moyers and Company

The shocking story isn't the rise of Donald Trump but how the GOP slowly morphed into a party of hate and obstruction. READ MORE»

Excerpt from 'My Turn, " a Critical Doug Henwood Book on Hillary

By Doug Henwood, OR Books

Politics, the family business of the Clintons, has been very good to them, as they have raised between $2 billion and $3 billion since 1992. READ MORE»

A Feminist On a Mission to Introduce Women to Ayahuasca, the 'Cosmic Spirit'

By April M. Short, AlterNet

Her program takes women to South America for psychedelic healing ceremonies. READ MORE»

Some Hillary Supporters Are Playing a Racial Smear Game Against Bernie

By Andrew Jones, Salon

There is a toxic push of the "Bernie so White" narrative. READ MORE»

How Fitbit Helps a Conservative Evangelical College Monitor Students' Bodies for Christ

By Jonathan Root, Religion Dispatches

Students at conservative evangelical universities today can expect to have their behavior heavily regulated. READ MORE»

‘F*ck You, You Whore!’: Watch Angry White People Go Berserk Outside Trump Rally in St. Louis

By Bethania Palma Markus, Raw Story

Trump supporters hurled foul language and hateful words. READ MORE»

The Irony of Oil Abundance: Way Too Much Supply, Not Enough Demand

By Michael T. Klare, TomDispatch

And oil prices have plunged to rock-bottom—so much for our new industrial renaissance. READ MORE»

U.S. House Caves to Big Food, Votes to Keep Americans in the Dark About GMOs

By Wenonah Hauter, AlterNet

Why is it that so many politicians are all about letting states make decisions on controversial issues—until some states want to do something that Big Food companies oppose? READ MORE»

Porn Viewers Are More Likely to View Women as Equals, a New Study Shows

By Laura Vinopal, The Frisky

The jury is still out on whether porn can help feminism. READ MORE»

6 Dangerous Falsehoods Peddled by the “Frontline” Heroin Special

By Stanton Peele, The Influence

To confront heroin and opiate use, we need accurate information. Too bad we didn't get it from PBS. READ MORE»

How the NRA Is 'Making A Killing' Off Women's Lives

By Melissa Jeltsen, Huffington Post

A new documentary shines a light on the dangerous intersection of domestic violence and guns. READ MORE»

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