
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

May 01, 2024

6 Rust programming mistakes to watch out for

Everyone's favorite memory-safe programming language has its share of snags. Here are six mistakes to watch for when writing Rust code. Read more ▶

Image: DBOS: A better way to build applications?

DBOS: A better way to build applications?

An operating system on top of a distributed database, DBOS is a tantalizing glimpse of something that may eventually turn out to be cool.

Google lays off Python team – reports

Company denied that the layoffs were company-wide when asked about the fate of the Python team.

Amazon Q for developers is generally available

Amazon Q Developer, the evolution of Amazon CodeWhisperer, can be used from the AWS console, Slack, or development environments such as Visual Studio Code and JetBrains IDEs.

Image: AI still has a ways to go in code refactoring

AI still has a ways to go in code refactoring

Without skilled developers supervising AI coding assistants, they are likely to break your code rather than write it. Right now, only people can fine-tune and evaluate AI.

GitHub previews GitHub Copilot Workspace

Copilot-native developer environment allows developers to brainstorm, plan, build, test, and run code using natural language.

The end of vendor-backed open source?

The license changes of Redis and Elasticsearch may harken the end of open-source projects backed by solo vendors. Let’s work through what that means.

Teradata adds support for Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake tables

The analytics platform provider joins a long list of vendors who already support the open table formats.

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