TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 23, 2017

6 Times Donald Trump Goofed Up the Simple Stuff

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

He gets the big things wrong—and also, the little things.  READ MORE»

With Le Pen, Trump (and Putin) Are Still Pushing Fascist 'Nationalism'

By Joe Conason, AlterNet

Fascist themes have emanated from Trump and his circle almost from the beginning of his presidential campaign. READ MORE»

Bill O'Reilly Ruined the News: 10 Ways He and Fox News Harassed Us All

By Sophia A. McClennan, Salon

Bill O’Reilly may be out at Fox News, but we will be feeling the impact of his show for a long time. READ MORE»

Might the 5 Ex-Presidents Prevent Trump From Making the U.S. Unrecognizable by 2020?

By Arthur J. Magida, The Washington Spectator

The five living former presidents have a unique moral and political authority. They must use it to admonish a dangerous sitting president. READ MORE»

Trump's Education Budget Will Undermine Teaching and Schools

By Leonie Haimson, Network for Public Education

Before Trump, class sizes were already growing. READ MORE»

If Your Simply Must Have a Late Night Snack, Try These Healthy Options

By Karen Reed, AlterNet

You don't need simple starches and sugars to go bed feeling satisfied. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's 100 Days Flip-Flop: After Campaigning on A '100-Day Plan,' Trump Now Calls It a 'Ridiculous Standard'

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

"Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan," Trump said while campaigning in Gettysburg. READ MORE»

Artist Ravi Zupa Takes on Racist Police Killings

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Dragons, swords and skeletons help tell the story of police brutality. READ MORE»

Brave New Films: Trump Bombing Afghanistan to Look Strong Is Picking on One of the World's Poorest Nations

By Robert Greenwald, Brave New Films

Look at how people are living in a nation under U.S. attack. READ MORE»

Here Comes the Big Assault on Workers' Rights

By Christopher D. Cook, AlterNet

Trump and Republicans are pushing a radical Heritage-style agenda that could deliver immediate and long-term harm to workers and unions across the United States—including millions of those who helped elect Trump. READ MORE»

'Phony Numbers and Front Groups': Trump's Inaugural Donor List Contains Massive Evidence of Fraud

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

Donations for Trump's 2020 campaign are already rolling in, but where is the money truly coming from? READ MORE»

100 Days of Deconstruction: Part One

By Steven Harper,

At CPAC, Steve Bannon declared that key members of Trump’s Cabinet were “selected for a reason.” In the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency, that reason has become clear. READ MORE»

Driverless Future?

By Steven Greenhouse, The American Prospect

If they ever get the bugs out, autonomous cars will put a lot of human drivers out of work. READ MORE»

Budweiser Wants You to Sext More

By Erin Coulehan, Salon

The King of Beers and others are cashing in on the ubiquity of sexting.  READ MORE»

Solarcoaster: Workers Very Unhappy With Elon Musk-Owned Solar City and Chaos in the Industry

By Jessica Goodheart, Capital and Main

Former employees are disillusioned by the Wall Street-backed industries focus on sales over employee safety. READ MORE»

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