NWC Update
Network Computing
August 24, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
6 Ways AI Could Improve Network Management
Network managers and networking equipment vendors are looking to artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI (GenAI) to help improve and simplify the management of their networking devices.

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Botnets Are Evolving, But You Can Still Stay a Step Ahead
By David Balaban
Botnets have evolved significantly over the years and continue to do so incorporating AI and ML making them more efficient and difficult to detect. To stay ahead of this growing scourge, network security teams must prioritize measures that proactively thwart infections and minimize breach response times.
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Digital Resiliency and Disaster Recovery Was a Hot Topic at Black Hat 2024
By Zeus Kerravala, Founder and Principal Analyst with ZK Research
Conventional storage may not do the job when it comes to digital resiliency and disaster recovery. Enterprises need modern backup methods to protect their data from ransomware and other threats.
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Why Companies Should Use Observability for More Than Monitoring
By Mike Marks, VP of Product Marketing, Riverbed
In hyperconnected hybrid cloud environments, observability gives organizations the means to bolster cybersecurity, ensure sustainability, and improve employee morale.
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Campus NaaS: Transforming Enterprise Networking
Campus NaaS is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of enterprise networking, enabling businesses to build the agile, high-performance foundations needed to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Read More
Buy or Lease IPv4 Addresses: What's the Best Option?
Both options, buying or leasing, have their benefits and challenges, and the decision should be based on a thorough evaluation of an organization's specific requirements and the broader industry trends. Read More
Why Wireless LAN Should No Longer Mean Just Wi-Fi
It’s time for organizations to realize where Wi-Fi isn’t the best option and pair it with a comprehensive private cellular solution. Read More
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