
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

October 16, 2023

6 ways automation bites software developers

The dream of fully automated development is getting more real by the day, but is that a good thing? Beware of these six gotchas. Read more ▶

Image: Sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Act on data wherever it lives

Sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Act on data wherever it lives

What does edge processing look like in real life? Here’s a glimpse into 4 industries: healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and finance.

Making sure open source doesn’t fail AI

The lessons learned from cloud are spurring a proactive examination of what it means to be 'open source' in the rapidly evolving world of AI.

Microsoft .NET 8 nears the finish line

Microsoft unveiled the second and final release candidate for the next version of its development platform. The production release is due in November.

Image: Google indemnifies generative AI customers over IP rights claims

Google indemnifies generative AI customers over IP rights claims

The indemnities include protection against infringement claims over training data used and output generated by Google’s homegrown generative AI capabilities.

Visual Studio Code bolsters command search

A new section in VS Code’s Command Palette search results lists similar commands. September release also introduces support for DWARF debugging of WebAssembly.

Democratizing AI with digital adoption platforms

Digital adoption platforms learn application usage patterns and user behaviors and walk workers through business processes in real time, offering guidance and automating tasks. They can help all of us get the most from AI.

What is LangSmith? Tracing and debugging for LLMs

Use LangSmith to debug, test, evaluate, and monitor chains and intelligent agents in LangChain and other LLM applications.

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