27 March 2024

The addition of on-board weighing systems into your loaders, diggers and dump trucks can significantly improve operational efficiency of fleets and enhance safety, impacting operations in six positive ways

Specially modified 8.9 tonne Bobcat machine is working on ventilation shafts in the world’s third longest road tunnel in the proximity of a city near Stockholm

Terex Group’s crushing, screening and conveying equipment maker, Finlay, comes up with vividly pink machine commissioned by Australia’s OPS Screening and Crushing to raise $100,000 for breast cancer research

Ashok Leyland’s UAE partner Al Naboodah to offer the benefits until April 15 to coincide with Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr

Mobile crane camera system setup developed jointly by Mammoet and Rietveld provides 360-degree view in and around crane for drivers, and alerts them to site hazards

Range includes both Stage V and Stage IIIA models, with Bobcat sourcing both sorts of engines from Deutz and Volvo

When starting out on a vehicle or machinery fleet enterprise, following some basic principles of fleet management can lead to profitability in the long run

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