Plus a new agent seeking authors and more from Writer's Digest.
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Writer's Digest
6 Ways to Improve Your Romantic Thriller Novel
z Kendra Elliot 100
When I'm trudging through the messy middle of a book, I double check my list of must-haves to punch up the pace. Here's what you can do to strengthen the middle of your novel. Read More...
Find your way to self-publishing success in just 5 easy steps

5 Steps To Self-Publishing—your step-by-step guide that navigates the entire self-publishing process. Yours free. Only from BookBaby. Download your free guide.

This Flowchart Will Tell You What Book to Read Next
infographic 170627
Looking for a new summer read? Let us help: From classics to recent bestsellers, fiction to nonfiction, local favorites to international treasures, this flowchart has you covered. Read More...
FREE "Quick Start" to release the writer in you. In 5 days, learn simple yet powerful tools to break through what’s holding you back. FREE!

Sign up HERE.

Agent Spotlight: Shaheen Qureshi of Capital Talent Agency
z Qureshi Shaheen 100
Literary agent Shaheen Qureshi is open to queries! She is looking for all genres of middle grade and young adult fiction. Read More...
Located on Puget Sound, Edmonds WA, featuring over 30 sessions on the craft and business of writing, including manuscript critiques and writing contest.

3rd Annual Mystery & Thriller Online Writing Conference
3rd mystery thriller online conference
Writer's Digest University is pleased to present an exclusive online event for mystery & thriller writers! On August 5th and 6th, our 3rd Annual Mystery & Thriller Online Writing Conference will provide expert insights from SIX award-winning and best-selling authors on the finer points of how to write within the mystery and thriller genres. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft from seven different published authors*, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent specifically looking for material in the mystery or thriller genre. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query - and maybe ask to see more. Read More...
Spalding University offers a Top Ten low-residency MFA program. Offering 6 areas of concentration. Application deadline: August 1. Flexible scheduling, cross-genre study, travel abroad.
FREE WEBINAR: How to Make $1,000 as a Writer in a Weekend
z Qureshi Shaheen 100
Want to get paid to write? Whether you're hoping to moonlight as a freelance writer ... work full-time as a writer ... or just want to make a little money on the side ... you'll learn about five writing projects that pay at least $1,000 (most pay much more!) and can be completed in a weekend. Join Rebecca Matter and Katie Yeakle - who have trained hundreds of writers how to make a great living writing - for this FREE webinar and learn what the writing opportunities are, what the projects entail, how much you can expect to make for each one, how to land them, and much more. Read More...
Writing Beginnings Resource Bundle
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
Harry Potter Comes To Your House: What if Harry Potter came to your house for dinner? Write this scene as if you were a teenager, he's new to your school and you're introducing him to your parents. Also, after dinner, he makes a request of you. What is it?

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ....
Brian A. Klems
Follow @BrianKlems
Brian A. Klems is the senior online editor of Writer's Digest and author of the popular gift book Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters.
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