Men's Health Get the Body and Strength You Want in 6 Weeks! Click here.
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Men's Health
Hi, I’m Sean Garner.
I’m a trainer but my life is probably a lot like yours.
I work 50+ hours a week. I’m a dad with three kids. And my body’s doing the same thing yours is: We’re at the age where muscle mass is harder to maintain because our metabolism has naturally slowed with each passing year.
As a result, flab grows where muscle shrinks.
And talk about busy?
Well, less time for exercise means less time to burn off the pizza and burgers I love. You know how it goes.
But I don’t let that keep me off my game!
I’ve got the fitness solution.
Men's Health
I designed this really fast, efficient exercise program to address everything that’s happening in our lives right now.
The newest Men’s Health program can help you...
Accelerate fat loss
Train for strength, cardio conditioning, and mobility
Develop pain-free shoulder mobility
Say goodbye to backaches
Men's Health
Fast, Effective & Fun
And Done in 30 Minutes at Home Using Minimal Gear
I’ll be straight with you: the 6-WEEK SWEAT OFF workouts aren’t a piece of cake. They’re tough. But, come on, hasn’t everything you’ve accomplished in life so far been tough?
Here’s the nitty gritty. Tell me this doesn’t make sense to you:
You’ll exercise three days straight, then take a rest day OR do my killer core workout. It’s your call.
You’ll do an upper-body workout followed by a lower-body workout. But in each session, you can expect to train for strength, cardio conditioning, mobility, and core stability all in just 30 minutes. That’s the beauty of this plan.
You’ll do a ton of plank variations. No crunches because, well, frankly I think crunches suck.
Traveling? No worries. I’ve got three challenging bodyweight workouts—for upper body and lower—that you can do in your hotel room. No excuses.
Did I mention that these workouts are fun? I try to bring levity and excitement to each workout because life is just too short not to make every day count.
Don’t let your busy life compromise your health and body! Here’s your chance to get back in shape and re-energize your life.

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