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Situational awareness - November 27, 2018

Good Tuesday morning from Salt Lake City.

Welcome to Utah's most comprehensive daily political newsletter. We get you up to date on the most important local and national political stories of the day. You can subscribe here. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Notable: picks "misinformation" as the 2018 Word of the Year -

Executive summary: McAdams says he's still committed to voting against Pelosi. Love rips Trump in her concession speech. Mueller says Manafort lied to investigators, violating his plea agreement.


  • 62 days until the first day of the 2019 Utah Legislature (1/28/2019)

  • 108 days until the final day of the 2019 Utah Legislature (3/14/2019)

  • 189 days until the municipal election filing period opens (6/3/2019)

  • 193 days until the municipal election filing period ends (6/7/2019)

  • 260 days to the 2019 Utah primary elections (8/13/2019)

  • 344 days to the 2019 municipal elections (11/5/2019)

  • 434 days to the 2020 Iowa Caucuses (2/3/2020)

  • 708 days until the 2020 presidential election (11/3/2020)

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    Today At Utah Policy

    images/Resized_Mugshots/Ben_McAdams_23.JPGPodcast: One-on-one with Ben McAdams
    By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
    Newly elected 4th District Congressman Ben McAdams is standing by his pledge not to vote for Nancy Pelosi to become the next Speaker of the House....
    images/Screenshots/20181125_Mia_Love_CNN.jpgLove says Republicans need to start building relationships if they want to win again (video)
    By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
    Rep. Mia Love, fresh off her fiery concession speech where she trashed President Trump, went on CNN to discuss why Republicans lost control of the House in the 2018 midterms....
    images/Screenshots/20181126_Lee_Fox_News.jpgLee: Criminal justice reform will make Americans safer
    By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
    Sen. Mike Lee says the proposed overhaul of the criminal justice system in Congress will make America's justice system smarter and Americans safer....
    images/Resized_Mugshots/Mia_Love_24.jpg'Unleashed' Love bashes Trump, Republicans, and the media following her narrow loss
    By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
    Saying her close loss to Democrat Ben McAdams has "unleashed" her to speak her mind, outgoing Rep. Mia Love directed her post-election ire toward McAdams, President Trump, the Republican Party and the media....
    images/Resized_Logos/CYBER24_season_2_logo.jpgCYBER 24 Episode 37: Cybersecurity expert panel - Part I
    By Marty Carpenter
    The world of cybersecurity faces some significant challenges over the next several years. In this week's episode of CYBER24, we bring you a panel discussion we led at a recent cybersecurity summit hosted by VLCM....

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    Deseret News

    Mike Leavitt: Dan Jones had the stature of a giant

    Sen. Mike Lee disagrees with Trump on Saudi Arabia, killing of journalist

    Alta ski president: Unfair exclusion from land trades is attempt to 'bully'

    Election results certified as officials tout 75.55 percent voter turnout

    Mia Love criticizes Republicans and Trump; calls Ben McAdams 'wolf in sheep's clothing'

    Will Utah's Inland Port move fossil fuels? Port critics worry it will, but no decisions have been made

    How Utah Sen. Mike Lee may have paved the way for Trump's new asylum plan

    Salt County D.A., FBI seek dismissal of ex-A.G. Mark Shurtleff's civil rights lawsuit

    These Prop. 2 supporters just expressed their issues with the medical marijuana compromise bill. Here's what they're worried about

    Salt Lake Tribune

    Editorial: The rent is too damn high

    Utahns to enjoy one last Cyber Monday without a comprehensive internet sales tax

    Five years after the government shutdown, Utah is no closer to seeing a $1 million payback from the feds

    Rep. Mia Love takes shots at Trump, McAdams and news media in her first public appearance since election loss

    Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox praises 'ridiculous' jump in Utah voter turnout after statewide canvass of election results

    Inland Port opponents criticize naming of oil and gas advocates to new technical committee

    During 5-hour meeting, speakers push to keep Prop 2, while Hughes argues cannabis bill won't nullify initiative vote


    Rep. Mia Love slams Trump, Republicans in concession speech (Daily Herald)



    Policy News

    Real Women Run returns to northern Utah
    All are welcome at Real Women Run Northern Utah on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Cache County Historic Courthouse (199 Main St, Logan, UT 84321). ...
    Nine Utah lawmakers awarded for conservative voting records
    The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF) has just released its ratings of the 2018 meeting of the Utah State Legislature. ...
    Utah Senate anounces visual arts scholarship competition for 2019
    The 5th Annual Utah Senate Visual Arts Scholarship Competition for 9th 12th-grade students is now open....

    More National Headlines

    'No collusion' with Russia during 2016 campaign: Former Trump aide (ABC News)

    Top Dem donor says Gillibrand 'stained' reputation with Franken's ousting (The Hill)

    California Today: Sexual Misconduct Claims Roil the State's Democratic Party (New York Times)

    Graham blasts Ocasio-Cortez's comparison of migrants to Jews in Nazi Germany (The Hill)

    Trump suggests US could slap 10% tariffs on iPhones and laptops imported from China (CNBC)

    The anti-Nancy Pelosi forces just admitted defeat (CNN)

    Lawsuit against Trump and his DC hotel is dismissed (CNN)

    Obamacare enrollment is lagging, despite cheaper options (Washington Post)

    Trump makes final push for Hyde-Smith (The Hill)

    Wise Words

    Scary Thought

    "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." Abraham Lincoln


    Lighter Side

    Running for President

    If you are not part of the solution, you're probably running for President. One Line Fun


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