Hi SmartTrader,
Dealing with risk is not always defensive.
The more points you can score, the less robust the defense has to be.
That’s just a fact.
But what if you can have both…a great defense and a high-scoring offense?
That is what the CashFlow Covered Calls is all about…the best of both worlds.
And for something like covered calls, you NEED the best of both worlds.
In these online video sessions, I cover everything.
In Session 1, I went through and methodically showed how to create the MOST income possible through a CashFlow Covered Call.
Going through this process generates approximately 7.3x more income over time than the popular leap selling approach, and over 3x more income than the most popular quarterly approach.
Cash Flow Covered Call Income Potential:105,000
Conventional Leap Covered Call Income: 14,370
Same stock.
Why is this important?
A great offense helps the defense.
105,000 in income represents 2.75x the entire value of the underlying stock.
Even if you don’t mitigate the risks (which we do in Session 2), this kind of income potential creates a scenario where the stock can go to zero and you are still making a significant overall gain.
When you mitigate the risks like the CashFlow Covered Call strategy does, this best case potential income represents 11.2x more than the worst case potential risk scenario over the same time period.
The faster you can bring in enough income to cover the worst-case scenario risks, the better.
This is just the beginning. Be sure to watch this video now:
Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy.
Ryan Jones
Founder, SmartTrading
P.S. The CashFlow Covered Call online video series is the most comprehensive, logical, efficient way possible to trade covered calls. You won’t find this information
anywhere else.
In addition, you’ll also receive 2, exact Cash Flow Covered Call Trades every week.
Be sure to watch this video now as this is for a LIMITED TIME.