
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

January 02, 2023

7 downsides of open source culture

Open source passion fuels developer creativity, learning, and community, but it's no Shangri-La. Here are seven pitfalls to consider before joining an open source project. Read more ▶

Image: Sponsored by Software Intelligence Forum: Modernization for Cloud - Best Practices

Sponsored by Software Intelligence Forum: Modernization for Cloud - Best Practices

Overwhelmed by complex software and moving to cloud? You’re not alone. Leading IT experts will share how to safely accelerate application modernization. Read more and register.

Tools to manage SLOs and error budgets

Feature flags, reliable alerts, and dashboards help site reliability engineers maintain performance while operating within the devops life cycle.

Build a customer-facing app like a SaaS company

SaaS vendors know a good app is built on a value proposition, business model, developer community, and success metrics.

Image: The fundamentals of Kubernetes cost management

The fundamentals of Kubernetes cost management

Kubernetes cost management is about more than numbers. Culture and collaboration help bring together the expertise for you to achieve Kubernetes cost savings.

How to create your own RSS reader with R

Sure, you could use one of the commercial or open-source RSS readers. But isn’t it more fun to code your own?

Introducing Cadl: Microsoft’s concise API design language

With Cadl, you can write a 500-line OpenAPI definition in 50 lines of code. It’s a logical way for architects and developers to construct and constrain APIs.

Hope for the fediverse

The fediverse just might strike a healthier balance of autonomy, packet size, friction, fanout, and velocity than previous generations of social software.

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