Good morning, Marketer, you’re looking great today!

What’s worse than making a bad marketing mistake? Making a bad customer apology, like an email saying, “oops” or “our bad.” Those make everything worse. How do you make a good customer apology? Read Kath Pay’s article and learn the secrets of an effective email apology

Not only does she break it all down for you, there’s also a bunch of real-life examples to learn from. Has this email gone on too long? I’m sorry. (That’s an example of what not to do, FYI.)

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

How to create an effective apology email: 7 examples

Need to send an "Oops!" email? It's crucial to follow up your error with the right message. Learn from these examples.

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B2B marketing confidence survives budget pressures

Content and digital marketing are top strategies for B2B teams despite flat or cut budgets.

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UTM tagging: Getting started in Google Analytics 4

UTM codes, text you add to a link to gives you more information, are a key element to get the most from GA4.

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Why the media industry embraces martech transformation to win over consumers

To tap into the industry’s massive revenue potential, media companies are grappling with setting themselves ahead of the crowd and vying for the attention, and loyalty, of this captive audience through in-game advertising.

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New! MarTech Guide to Digital Event Platforms

Virtual events and here to stay and DEP vendors are pioneering ways to deliver a more engaging, human experience through features like networking, gamification and real-time interactions. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date on the latest trends and compare of top vendors.

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Welcome emails have best click-to-open and first purchase rates

Emails triggered by price cuts and back-in-stock have 25% first purchases rate.

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App users visit brick and mortar 41% more often than non-users

Customers like apps once they start using them but awareness remains very low.

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How to Reduce Your Customer Acquisition Costs

The cost of acquiring customers can make or break an eCommerce business, Download the ebook to learn how user content can generate low-cost traffic.

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Is it time to say good-bye to the CMO role or just give it a new acronym?

Why organizations are re-imagining the role and expectations of senior marketing leaders.

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Explore the fall season of MarTech... now available!

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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