7 Items That Will Majorly Improve Your Home Office
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Remember when lockdown started and us office-dwellers thought we’d be back in our cubicles by June? Cut to September and many of us are still working from home for the foreseeable future (and darn lucky to be). About three months in, when I realized that we weren’t heading back to FLARE HQ any time soon, I finally admitted it to myself and invested in a proper desk and chair, like many people in similar situations did. (It came as no surprise to me that most of the desk models I was looking at online were sold out.) But now that those basics are taken care of, and I’ve settled into the “new normal,” I’m trying to find ways to make my makeshift home office a little lovelier. Here, seven home office upgrades that have seriously improved my WFH life.
FLARE, One Mount Pleasant Road, 8th floor, Toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5