TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 1, 2017

The GOP Embraces Trump's Corrupt Business Model in Tax Plan: Take People's Money and Screw the Public

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Trump lost more than $1 billion in business. Now he and the GOP are playing with taxpayer trillions. READ MORE»

We Are Being Held Hostage to Unpopular Conservative Thinking: 7 Reasons Our Democracy Fails

By Neal Gabler, Moyers & Company

In terms of numbers, most Americans reject conservative policy positions. So why are Republicans in office?  READ MORE»

Anti-Science Climate Deniers Taking Over EPA Science Advisory Board

By Elliott Negin, AlterNet

An influential panel could soon been filled with anti-science friends of polluters. READ MORE»

Michael Moore and Amy Goodman: How Can We Take Down Trump?

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

"We have to take a look at how we got Trump. He didn’t just fall out of the sky. He’s the end result..." READ MORE»

Dumb it Down Democrats—Or Prepare to Lose Again

By David Masciotra, Salon

Progressives will make political gains when they stop assuming voters respond to nuanced arguments and ideas. READ MORE»

Forget All Those Selfies—Tinder Has Amassed a Lot of Data on Millions Looking For a Hook Up

By Sophie Linden, AlterNet

What if users' personal Tinder data were to fall into the hands of hackers? READ MORE»

GOP's Rigid Wisconsin's Voter ID Law Tilted the 2016 Election Enough for Trump to Win

By Mary Bottari, PR Watch

A new study by Wisconsin academics finds 44,000 voters were kept away. Trump won by 23,000 votes.  READ MORE»

Scholar Justin Gest on the White Working Class: 'They Feel They Are being Punished' for the Past

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Author of a new study of the white working class says Trump voters concluded they had nothing left to lose. READ MORE»

Will Hugh Hefner Be Remembered as a Visionary or a Flesh Peddler?

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Narcissism and grandiosity marked much of Hefner's life. READ MORE»

More People Than Ever Are Defaulting on Their Student Loans

By Britni Danielle, GOOD Education

And the Trump/DeVos rollback of oversight will only make the problem worse. READ MORE»

Marijuana Munchies: Pot Buyers' 5 Favorite Fast-Food Joints

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Where do you head when you've just scored and your stomach is rumbling? READ MORE»

Pulp Fiction to Magnolia: The Best Films of the 90s – as Chosen by Critics

By Peter Bradshaw, Xan Brooks, Ellen E Jones, Danny Leigh, Steve Rose, Cath Clarke, The Guardian

Five critics choose their favorite 90s film, from John Malkovich’s bizarre mind to Baz Lurhmann’s Shakespearean tragedy in Hawaiian shirts. READ MORE»

As Violence Against the Oppressed Rohingya Grows, Trump and Corporate America Look the Other Way

By Usaid Siddiqui, AlterNet

A policy toward Myanmar that started under the Obama years continues into the Trump administration.  READ MORE»

Lifting the Driving Ban: Saudi Arabia's Glitzy Stunt

By Robert Fisk, The Independent UK

Saudi Arabia lifting the driving ban is little more than a distraction from its continued geopolitical problems. READ MORE»

Millennials Are Less Likely to Recycle, but More Likely to Buy From Green Companies

By Mary Mazzoni, AlterNet

New research suggests young people are waiting for corporations to solve the planet's problems. READ MORE»

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