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CIO First Look

July 26, 2021

7 secrets of IT talent magnets

From offering meaningful work to embracing hybrid environments, CIOs whose organizations have established virtuous IT recruiting cycles share tips on how to consistently attract IT talent. Read more ▶

Image: Sponsored by NetApp: NetApp is working hard every day to improve the customer experience. And it’s working.

BrandPost Sponsored by NetApp

Sponsored by NetApp: NetApp is working hard every day to improve the customer experience. And it’s working.

It takes more than a high NPS to deliver an exceptional customer experience. NetApp excels on multiple metrics.

TTX tackles turnover in moving ERP to the cloud

The railcar pooling company learned the importance of knowledge management when it replaced an on-premises SAP system with Oracle in the cloud.

Honeywell tech chief drives the digital agenda

Honeywell CDTO Sheila Jordan is taking a ‘holistic and horizontal’ approach to digital transformation, eschewing business-led IT in favor of guardrails and governance as she shifts to an insourcing model.

Image: 20 tips for supporting team mental health

20 tips for supporting team mental health

The mental health of each team member is vital to your organization’s performance. Leaders at every level must intentionally and continually commit to finding ways to improve the mental health of their teams.

AT SFO, future resilience means learning the lessons of the past

The future of business resilience at San Francisco International Airport relies heavily on recollections and lessons learned from past events, strong relationships with partners within and outside of the aviation industry, plus lots and lots of preparedness drills. Join us to learn how these approaches create an evergreen environment of resilience throughout the organization.

Getting to no: 3 things your cloud vendor won't give you (and what to ask for instead)

Knowing what vendors will say "no" to can be a powerful tool in your negotiation arsenal.

20 professional organizations focused on diversity in tech

BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities have long been grossly underrepresented in IT. These 20 professional organizations aim to help close the diversity gap in tech by empowering BIPOC and LGBTQ+ tech pros.

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