8 CEDIA Talks Designed to Help You Think BIG One of the features of CEDIA 2016 that will prove to be incredibly informative is a series of CEDIA Talks — think of them as mini, bite-sized TED-style talks. Delivered by top industry experts and visionaries, these 20-minute info sessions will cover a broad range of topics that affect your business, from the emergence of voice controls to working with the real estate industry. Just a few of the CEDIA Talks this year will include: - How Millennials Will Reshape the Home Improvement Market
- Disruption: How Enabling Technologies Are Addressing the Aging Tsunami
- Expanding Your Referral Opportunities — The Value of Working with a Real Estate Professional
- Understanding the Opportunities of Bio-Adaptive Lighting
- Voice Control is Just the Beginning
- Forget About Disruptive Technologies! Security and Surveillance in the Year 2020
- Security and Surveillance in the Year 2020
- What Virtual and Augmented Reality Mean to Home Technology Professionals
And thats only the beginning — even more brilliant talks are on the way. The CEDIA Talks series is just one aspect of CEDIA 2016, your industrys most comprehensive annual trade show. The talks have been carefully selected to help you and your employees Think Big, and are just a small part of the broader training and certification services CEDIA has to offer. Register for CEDIA 2016 here. The event — hosted this year at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas — runs from Sept. 1317, and attendees who register by July 22 receive a 25% discount.