8 months out from the 2019 EU primary elections with the voice of 3000 citizens from 22 countries!

 Raise your voice for the ocean!

We have gathered a powerful community across Europe. Yet, for this campaign to reach its fullest potential and drive significant change we must have the support of all European citizens. The larger the community, the louder our voices will ring!

So please take a moment to speak for the oceans and join the movement by responding to the Voice For The Ocean consultation, and sharing it with your community! Together we can drive change and influence the future of our oceans. Let us amplify our voices so that they are heard at the highest level in Europe!

What is Voice for the Ocean?

This campaign provides European citizens with the opportunity to express their opinions on environmental issues. Acting in two parts, the community is first asked to complete a brief online questionnaire addressing major topics of ocean sustainability. 

Then, armed with the campaign results, Surfrider will present the findings to the 2019 EU political candidates and ask them to consider the environmental prioirities of their constituants when developing future poltical agendas.

What is Voice for the Ocean? 

This campaign is made for all European citizens. The online questionnaire is available in five languages and is divided into four profiles: citizen, teacher, ocean users, or expert in the maritime field. Once you have selected your profile, you will be asked to express your opinion on crucial environmental topics including aquatic pollution, resource exploitation, public education and ecosystem protection.

What is the purpose of Voice for the Ocean? 

The goal of this campaign is to make government representatives aware of the environmental priorities of the citizens and to take legal measures to act in these interests. Surfrider will represent the voice of the community by lobbying for legislature that better protects our oceans in the 2019 European elections.   

Together we can drive change by, and our chances of making a significant impact increase with every new voice!

Let’s raise our voice for ocean protection!

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