October 27, 2016

8 Most Colorful Cities in the World

Here at The Daily Meal, we’ve examined locations around the world in a number of ways. Primarily, we evaluate the local food, of course. However, we’ve also compared and contrasted factors like health, safety, language, and notoriety and popularity...Read More
8 Most Colorful Cities in the World

The Best Taco in Every State

Tacos are one of the most delicious and perfect foods on earth, and we’re thankfully living in an era when a high-quality Mexican street-style taco is within driving distance of just about everyone in America. Don’t believe us? Then keep reading to...Read More

20 Healthiest and Unhealthiest Halloween Candies

Halloween is the holiday that lets children transform themselves into — well, almost anything they choose. That doesn’t mean that they should transform their diets, though.Trick-or-treating almost inevitably implies excess. It’s hard to believe, but...Read More
Halloween Candy

A Quick-Yet-Thorough Guide to Chilean Wines

Chile offers a broad spectrum of varietals produced in eight different regions across 600 miles of vastly diverse terroir running the gamut from coastal highlands to craggy Andean plateaus 13,000 feet or more above sea level.[related]The concept of...Read More
A Quick-Yet-Thorough Guide to Chilean Wines

10 Delightfully Creepy, Gruesome Halloween Party Foods

Besides the crazy costumes, horror movies, clever methods for spooking trick-or-treaters, and terrifying decorations, don’t miss out on the chance to also use the party food to scare all your friends and family this Halloween. We firmly believe that...Read More
Halloween Party Foods

Where To Find Great Poke in Atlanta

Jumping on the national phenomenon, Atlanta restaurants have recently brought poke into our lives. Poke has hit other cities with huge acclaim; foodies in New York, Seattle, Vancouver, all of California have fallen for this healthy, originally...Read More
O-Ku Poke Salad

Make Your Friends Salivate With These Food-Themed Halloween Costumes

Deciding what Halloween costume to wear is a challenge every single year. Once we’ve decided what party we’ll be going to and found out whether there is a theme, settling upon what to wear is the most important item on our agenda over the next few...Read More
Halloween Costumes

You Won’t Believe the Insane Calorie Counts of These 14 Greasy Favorites

Unless you’ve been eating under a rock, you probably know by now that the greasier something is, the unhealthier it is for you, especially from a fat and calorie standpoint. But we bet that the sheer quantity of calories contained in some of the...Read More
Mozzarella Sticks

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