Care2 Causes

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Rumors are powerful. They can destroy careers, spread like wildfire, and, in the dairy industry's case, make for a very profitable business model. From...
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This dog is a little unsure about the "ice situation" at hand. His solution? Take advantage of the free snack!
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This week Berta C ceres, a prominent voice for indigenous rights and environmental conservationism in Honduras, was found dead after gunmen entered her...
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University of South Carolina's official mascot "Cocky" is a Gamecock, "a fighting rooster known for its spirit and courage." But while Cocky is prancing...
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Demand that French authorities protect child refugees from rape
signatures: 1988
created by: Frances Donnelly
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Forget the man on the moon. Nearly 60 women have flown through space, but most of us know only one: Sally Ride. As the first U.S. woman in space, and on...
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It's the talk of Washington every election season: Which high profile politicians are endorsing other high profile politicians? While the media likes to...
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Iran has long been viewed by the west as a cloistered, conservative nation. Massive human rights abuses and laws that restrict the freedom of women have...
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Teaching children how to behave in class by respecting each other and the classroom is a bedrock of education, but now some schools in California are...
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Alaska, famous for its beautiful vistas and stunning environmentally precious parks, is famous for something else, too: Hunting. Former governor Sarah...
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