InformationWeek Cloud
Must-Close Cloud Skills Gaps; Visibility and Cloud Migration; Cloud Growing Pains

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InformationWeek Cloud
January 29, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Priorities for Cloud Security in 2024
The pace of cloud migration has outpaced security. How can organizations prioritize cloud security this year?

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Top 5 Skills Gaps Every Cloud Practitioner Needs to Close

The key to successful cloud adoption lies in upskilling teams to ensure efficient and secure implementation.
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Navigating the Cloud: Ensuring Visibility Across the 3 Phases of Migration

Detailed planning and well-defined processes can help make execution a success, especially when the applications are so important to business operations.
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When the Cloud is the Problem, Not the Answer

Taking cloud costs into consideration, more businesses today are adopting a hybrid or multi-cloud strategy to leverage the benefits of different deployment models for different parts of their applications.
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Sign Up for InformationWeek's New Cyber Resilience Newsletter

Keep up with the unhappy possibilities that impact IT resiliency -- from ransomware, to cloud outages, to natural disasters, to political upheaval -- and learn what to do about them.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Improving Supply Chain Security, Resiliency
Chief supply chain officers must adopt a proactive, comprehensive approach, build partnerships with IT security, and continuously assess and mitigate risks. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Steps Toward Effective Disaster Recovery
Disasters are increasing in frequency and costing more than ever before. When was the last time you updated your plan? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Rise of Autonomous AI Agents
Nope, this isn’t about automating your Tesla, this is about a gazillion little specialized artificial intelligence agents running your life. Read More

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