TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 11, 2017

What Can We Learn from 1967's Summer of Love to Help Us Through Our Current Political Nightmare?

By Don Hazen, Danny Goldberg, AlterNet

An interview with Danny Goldberg, author of the new book "In Search of the Lost Chord," a book that definitively captures the events and the meaning of 1967, a magical year in our history, but a time that is often misunderstood. READ MORE»

8 Ways Leading European Officials Perceive America's Big Embarrassment in the Oval Office

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Trump seems to think the world started when he took office. READ MORE»

Pundits Slam Trump’s Biblical Language on North Korea, But Praise His Defense Secretary’s Genocidal Threats

By Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

James Mattis has threatened North Korea with the "destruction of its people.”  READ MORE»

We're Supposed to Be a Democracy, But Half the GOP Is OK with Postponing 2020's Election

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A party so full of delusions exposes the dark underbelly in America. READ MORE»

5 Escape Hatches Republicans May End Up Using to Avoid an Imploding Presidency

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

It's a very hard thing for a political party to abandon an elected president, but they may end up doing it. READ MORE»

It Took Just One Distorted Study for the Media to Freak Out Over Health Risks and Marijuana

By Paul Armentano, AlterNet

Fear spreads far too easily when it comes to cannabis. READ MORE»

No One Wants to Become a Teacher in Betsy DeVos' Home State

By Nancy Derringer, Bridge

The number of college students who want to become teachers plummets in Michigan, a state where the teaching profession has been under siege.  READ MORE»

Emmanuel Macron's Sudden Collapse: French 'Radical Centrist' Now as Unpopular as Trump

By Conor Lynch, Salon

Three months after his huge win, the French neoliberal darling has seen his popularity crumble. It's no surprise. READ MORE»

Appalachians Are Harder Hit by Poverty Than All Other Americans—So Why Does Trump Want to Make Their Lives Worse?

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

Infant mortality rates are rising, while life expectancies are plummeting. READ MORE»

Have Trump's Newest Threats Put Us on a Collision Course with Nuclear War?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The president says his "fire and fury" rhetoric may not have been tough enough. READ MORE»

Schools Are Humiliating Kids Who Don't Have Lunch Money as a Cruel Lesson in Social Class

By Alissa Quart, The Guardian

Isn't there a better way to teach kids about inequality? READ MORE»

'Sing Like a Bird': MSNBC Panel Says Manafort's Wisest Move Now Is to Rat out Trump

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

He can save himself, and America. READ MORE»

Hightower: Wall Street Is Pulling a Big-Time Car Loan Scam on Thousands of Americans

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

The "new way" is the same old story of the rich robbing the rest of us.  READ MORE»

Saudis Are Killing Their Own People, With Help From the U.S. and Canada

By Brienne Kordis, AlterNet

To stop the tragedy, you have to stop the weapons sales. READ MORE»

This Country Is Rigged in 1,000 Directions to Protect the Wealthiest—Including the Idea That Most People 'Earned' Their Way to the Top

By Donald Jeffries, Skyhorse Publishing

Unprecedented wealth disparity in America is driven by corrupt corporate practices and the myth of earned wealth. READ MORE»

As a Military Officer, I Know We Need Patriots—Not Nationalists—To Save Us From America's Murderous Path

By William Astore, The Huffington Post

The ability to discern patriotism from nationalism is vital in our current landscape. READ MORE»

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