67,564 people have taken this course

If you are reading this then you are seeking a new way of living, moving, eating, being and experiencing life in a body you love - one that cultivates your finest expression of who you can be in this lifetime. This 8 week course will help you to pull away all the masks of shame, guilt, failure and all the bad habits and negativity that manifests in our lives and bodies, so you may emerge with a new shape, new mind, new resilience, and a renewed connection to your true, most radiant self.

Hello beautiful, I'm Jannine Murray

I believe that if the women of the world become healthy and empowered, we can heal our children, our relationships and our land. I believe it is the women of this world who have the power to do so, and it all starts with loving ourselves. I myself overcame grief and trauma after losing my million dollar business, my health, my sanity, and experiencing severe health issues like IBS, adrenal failure and a body that bore all the shame of "not enough-ness", being unlovable, and self-hatred.

I had to redefine who I was, how I trained, how I ate, from a place of deep radical self-love and then put that into practice in my training, my thinking, my eating and way of being. It was these techniques that allowed me to heal from a lifetime of self-hatred and the self-destructive patterns I was stuck in, to be able to feel body-empowered and have a lifestyle that expressed my most empowered self. It is with my lifelong body wisdom, my 12 years experience working with hundreds of women, and my soul's desire that I share this 8 week body empowerment program with you!

I created this course to give women the step by step daily practices of:
  • Deliciously energizing, easy to follow meal plans that transform your body to shed belly fat and never diet again
  • Empowering and inspiring follow along workout videos you can do anywhere, anytime, and tone up beautifully without hours of exercise
  • Mindset tools needed to transform your body, mind, and heart into your most healthy, empowered, radiant self
Over the course of the 8 week program, I will be providing you comprehensive meal plans for detoxing, tummy slimming, hormone balancing and energy boosting results. I will also be providing you with 12 follow along workout videos that you can do anywhere, and throughout you will have 7 weeks of mindset focus journeys: inspiration every day to break old patterns and create your most radiant self!

Take 8 weeks to transform with:
  • A beginners guide to ensuring success
  • A 14 Day Slim And Sexy Detox Meal Plan
  • 5 weeks of clean eating, tummy slimming, hormone balancing, energy boosting meal plans
  • 12 follow along workout videos that you can do anywhere, anytime, no equipment, no excuses!
  • 7 weeks of mindset focus journeys: inspiration every day to break old patterns and create your most radiant self!
  • Morning and evening meditation
Allowing the true you to shine

All you are looking for is already inside of you! I am just here to remind you of your potential and your greatness. I will give you my proven effective tools, strategies, clean eating plans, follow along workout videos and the necessary mindset shift you need to allow the true YOU to come forward. You don't need to be perfect in any way, you don't even need to feel ready. All you have to do is be willing, vulnerable and open to a new way of being...one that is calling to you deep down and reminds you that you deserve more and you won't be happy until you allow the true You to shine!
  • YES: you can tighten your tush and tone your thighs
  • YES: you can take inches of fat off your belly, hips and thighs
  • YES: you can tone up your arms and sculpt a sexy back
  • YES: you can enjoy the feeling and radiance of a clean lifestyle
  • YES: you can develop the habits, commitments, and wisdom you need to have lasting results
And, best of all you can
  • Love your body just the way it is
  • Feel confident and connected to your most powerful self
  • Know that even on your worst days you love yourself anyways
  • Have the tools you need to bounce back after any diet screwup
  • Be your greatest teacher, motivator, coach
Eating and moving to love your body into beauty

It's time to learn a new way of being. One that is in alignment with your body and its needs, along with your vision and your heart. We are able to shine beautiful and bright once we uncover our true form and begin using our body-wisdom.

Principles for eating, moving and living mindfully:
  • Every body is different, we are all different, a lot of great diets out there, almost all of them work, but for specific people with certain bodies. No diets or bodies are created equal. Also, our bodies are always changing, so what worked for us in the past may not necessarily be good or effective for us now. How do we work around this? By tuning into our own body's wisdom and understanding its language, it has all the answers we are looking for.
  • Having the right macros: Macros are the essentials of our diets: the main ones are proteins, carbs, and fats. Remember different types of bodies and blood types do best with higher protein/high-fat diets, or higher carb/lower fat and protein diets.
  • Use superfoods and antioxidants to restore and protect cells: Antioxidants and superfoods are important as they help combat signs of aging, cellular deterioration, disease, and free radicals. Today less than 10% of nutrients are left in our topsoil from 100 years ago. Our foods are hydroponically grown, genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides then picked before they are ripened, then displayed in our stores. All of these extras end up in our systems, and when our systems become compromised over our lifetimes, our bodies begin to shut down and become toxic with these accumulating chemicals.
  • Acid alkaline balancing foods: Our bodies do best when we are sitting at a PH level of 7.2. It is easy to stay slim and healthy with lots of energy as muscle maintains its supple form in a highly alkaline environment.
  • Focusing on will building foods: there are certain foods that increase our life force, our chi, our creativity, clear our mind, make us feel empowered and build our will and self-esteem. We feel good about ourselves and firmly rooted in who we are and what we are doing with our lives.
  • Cleaning and detoxing the GI tract, liver, blood, and lymphatic system: Your health is a pure reflection of how good your digestion is. It all starts with your digestive system (stomach, small and large intestine). Your gut consisting of your small and large intestine, harbors 75% of your immunity, makes critical vitamins, controls hormones including most serotonin production which is needed for being happy. If our gut is happy, we will be happy. We will feel well rested after a good night's sleep, be able to wear the clothes we like as our tummies will feel slim and healthy, have energy all day, and enjoy the way we feel inside our bodies.
  • Practicing the art of self-love, mindfulness, and self-reflection: move from love, instead of self-loathing. Move with mindfulness, instead of haste. Take time to reflect so you can drink in your experiences and become more aware. To have more love, to feel more love, you need to embody love, and move from that space. Connect to your heart, breathe, appreciate the task at hand, and open your mind to find new ways to appreciate what you are doing. Do this when shopping, prepping your food, cooking, brushing your teeth, sitting on the toilet, shaving your legs. Pour love into everything you do, as every single moment of your life is a moment to expand into your true state: love. It is one of the most healing things you can do for yourself.
Transforming your physical, mental and emotional bodies

As the Buddha said, "our body is our vehicle for awakening, treat it with great care." This is why we have to take care of all our bodies: emotional, mental, physical, so that our spiritual and psychic bodies can flourish. Our physical body must be properly nourished and exercised to channel a strong spirit to manifest our hearts desires and touch thousands of lives. Our mental body has to be clear and at peace with itself. Our emotional body has to be elevated with emotions like joy, gratitude, and authentic self-love.

When all of these bodies are in alignment with our true self, our passion and spirit can shine and transform not just our lives, but everyone else we touch. When we are empowered in all our bodies, we are empowered in our lives and can then focus on our true purpose, passions and success.

What others have experienced with this program

"Jannine is so amazing, she helped me lose over 60lbs, regain so much body confidence and figure out how to eat for energy and staying young. I didn't have any confidence in the gym, and she supported me and allowed me to find what I was really missing...loving my self!" - Sherry

"I consider myself a pretty healthy person in general. This program took me to that next level I was searching for. I was always struggling with losing the last 10 pounds I needed and stubborn belly fat. This program did that and made me more aware of my body." - Suzanne

"I've never felt more alive than I do now. I find that those food cravings I was having aren't showing up anymore and much of the pain in my body is slowly disappearing." - Brittany

"I just finished my 8 week makeover and I am more confident now and feel totally empowered to follow a true passion of mine, which I discovered I was certain about after I started this program." - Christine

"I can't tell you how fabulous the guided meditations are for stress. These meditations have been a lifesaver for me." - Patrice

"This is my mind-body makeover and its f-bomb awesome! The mind-body connection is the game changer. Gratitude walks and meditation ARE life changing." - Jacqueline

"I am enjoying this experience. I like the format, have been doing the meditations, changing my eating habits, and doing my gratitude walk. I am finding myself more at peace with myself and feeling very enthusiastic." - Ann

"Today marks the end of week two for me. I started the program for health and self-love issues. I can honestly say that I am already feeling better than I ever thought possible. I am waking earlier, more energetic, eating healthy (and so my family is, too), practicing daily yoga and meditation, making positive self talk a habit, and I've lost 8 lbs!" - Leanne

About Jannine Murray

Jannine Murray is the top Health And Fitness Specialist and Personal Trainer in Victoria BC. Her journey started when she was 16 years old when she stayed and studied at a retreat centre in the mountain of Lytton B.C. called Sointual Greens. It was here she studied with Amandah Jensan, a Medical Intuitive and Spiritual healer for two years learning about food as medicine, working with the earth and plant energies, and powerful mind/body meditative techniques like the Silva Method. This spurred her onto a path to learn and grow in service of healing herself and others.

Jannine has over 12 years experience teaching fitness classes and personal training, holistic nutrition, diverse forms of movement therapy including the Alexander Technique, Fendenkraise, and dance therapy. She has an extensive background in martial arts, aerobics, weight training, ballet, modern and jazz dance, as well as specialty courses like abdominal training, metabolic conditioning, sports specific training, bodybuilding, and holistic nutrition.

"I have experienced many gifts of pain, addiction and imbalance, all of which have deepened my skill-sets beyond theory and into practical application of knowledge. I have discovered that you can Be, Do, and Have anything you want in life. You are the conscious creator of your body, mind and your life. If you are here then you are ready to create miracles within your body, mind, spirit and ultimately your life. Join me on my journey to discover your most radiant self, this world needs your light and you need to shine!"

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 8 weeks (total of 56 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 56 lessons