80 Blankets: Double The Butta | View In Browser
The Lion Brand Notebook
80 Blankets
This week I made 5 blankets. See why and which [free] patterns I'm using on the blog!
Feels Like Butta
Feels Like Butta
80 Blankets:
Double The Butta

I originally started this blanket wanting to work front post double crochet stitches. This makes a VERY squishy fabric. It also eats through yarn like crazy. You can see my start using this stitch in the photo above. I might revisit it using a different yarn. We'll see. For now, though, I switched gears and went with back loop half double crochet instead. It gives a similar effect in that it produces a slight horizontal ridge, but it goes faster and uses less yarn. Win.
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Friendship Bracelet
Stash Busting Friendship Bracelets
This craft keeps hands busy and mind engaged! Make this simple kumihimo loom with a piece of cardboard and you can braid a beautiful friendship bracelet with yarn you already have in your stash!
My Life In yarn
My Life In Yarn
Ashley Parker
Ontario, Canada

Any other stories with yarn you’d like to share?
My favourite thing about yarn crafts is that you can give a group of people the same yarn and hooks/needles and each one of them will come up with a unique and beautiful expression of their own creativity.  I recently hosted my first crochet along and although we all followed the same pattern, people put their own unique touches on the pattern to make it their own.  In the end, we all had some beautifully unique creations and enjoyed helping each other and getting to know one another.  Yarn brought a bunch of strangers together and created a community. 
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