TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 11, 2016

If It Makes You Feel Better, Trump’s Reality Show Politics Are Not Confined to the United States

Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Check out the weirdness of politicians in other countries. READ MORE»

9 Jarring and Noteworthy Moments from the Republican Debate in Florida

Janet Allon, AlterNet

No, not as many bodily function insults, but some seriously worrisome statements from the candidates. READ MORE»

Why Bernie May Have a Better Shot at Winning in November Than Hillary

Harold Meyerson, The American Prospect

The nomination remains an uphill fight, but Sanders’s victory in Michigan demonstrates his unique ability to mobilize working-class voters. READ MORE»

New App Splits Meal Bills So White Males Pay Extra for Their Privilege

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Each diner's share is based on privilege, and those with the least privilege have to chip in less. READ MORE»

'I Think Islam Hates Us' — Donald Trump Delights Bigots and Shames Nation Even Further

By Sean Illing, Salon

Trump's Islamophobic statements in an interview with Anderson Cooper are truly dangerous. READ MORE»

Should Kids Be Able to Sue for a Safe Climate? This Federal Court Is About to Decide

By Clayton Aldern,

Twenty-one kids were in court yesterday to demand a climate fix. READ MORE»

Have We Reached the Point Where Sex on the First Date Is Equally Fine for Both Sexes?

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

“Men are from Earth. So are women.” READ MORE»

Elizabeth Warren Pressures Washington For a Vote on Her Sanders-Backed Bill That Would Give Seniors a Raise

By Michael Arria, AlterNet

Warren is trying to get the Senate Majority Leader to hold a vote on the SAVE Benefits Act. READ MORE»

Tripsit: This Website Will Talk You Down from a Bad Psychedelic Experience

By Ali Venosa, Medical Daily

Consciousness-altering drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms won't kill you, but they can give you a hard time. The folks at Tripsit want to help. READ MORE»

Rainforest Activists Just Scored a Big Win Against One of Pepsi's Closest Business Partners

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

The move over palm oil sends a powerful message to investors: unethical companies pose too great a risk. READ MORE»

Neanderthal Experts Really Want Us to Stop Using ‘Neanderthal’ as an Insult

By Sarah Burris, Raw Story

Neanderthals aren’t as stupid as we’d believe them to be.  READ MORE»

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