78 new CVEs patched in this month's batch — nearly half of which are remotely executable and three of which attackers already are exploiting.
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 February 16, 2023
9 New Microsoft Bugs to Patch Now
78 new CVEs patched in this month's batch — nearly half of which are remotely executable and three of which attackers already are exploiting.
OT Network Security Myths Busted in a Pair of Hacks
How newly exposed security weaknesses in industrial wireless, cloud-based interfaces, and nested PLCs serve as a wake-up call for hardening the physical process control layer of the OT network.
ChatGPT Subs In as Security Analyst, Hallucinates Only Occasionally
Incident response triage and software vulnerability discovery are two areas where the large language model has demonstrated success, although false positives are common.
Embattled VMware ESXi Hypervisor Flaw Exploitable in Myriad Ways
It's not just Internet-accessible hosts that are vulnerable, researchers say.
Reddit Hack Shows Limits of MFA, Strengths of Security Training
A tailored spear-phishing attack successfully convinced a Reddit employee to hand over their credentials and their one-time password, but soon after, the same worker notified security.
NIST's New Crypto Standard a Step Forward in IoT Security
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has settled on a standard for encrypting Internet of Things (IoT) communications, but many devices remain vulnerable and unpatched.
Dark Web Revenue Down Dramatically After Hydra's Demise
Competitor markets working to replace Hydra's money-laundering services for cybercriminals.
NewsPenguin Goes Phishing for Maritime & Military Secrets
A sophisticated cyber-espionage attack against high-value targets attending a maritime technology conference in Pakistan this weekend has been in the works since last year.
Russian Hackers Disrupt NATO Earthquake Relief Operations
Killnet claims DDoS attack against NATO Special Operations Headquarters, Strategic Airlift Capability, and more.
Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Getting Developers & Security Teams to Work Together
Bridging the divide between developers and security can create a culture change organically.
How Security Teams Can Protect Employees Beyond Corporate Walls
De-shaming security mistakes and taking the blame and punishment out of incident reporting can strengthen security efforts both inside and outside of the workplace.
Lessons From the Cold War: How Quality Trumps Quantity in Cybersecurity
High-quality tools and standards remain critical components in cybersecurity efforts even as budgets decline. It's important that staff knows response procedures and their roles, and also communicates well.
What Happened to #OpRussia?
The cyberwar to attack Russia has never really stopped, despite a decreasing interest from the West.

Why SecDataOps Is the Future of Your Security Program
The goal: Ensure that data is always finely curated and accessible, and that security decisions get made with high-fidelity data.

Attacker Allure: A Look at the Super Bowl's Operational Cyber-Risks
Event organizers should be exercising various cyberattack scenarios to ensure they have the proper checks and balances in place to respond accordingly and maintain resilience.

7 Critical Cloud Threats Facing the Enterprise in 2023
From shadow data to misconfigurations, and overpermissioning to multicloud sprawl, Dark Reading's cloud security slideshow helps security pros understand the threat horizon.

What CISOs Can Do About Brand Impersonation Scam Sites
Apply these nine tips to proactively fight fraudulent websites that use your brand to rip people off.

Descope Handles Authentication So Developers Don't Have To
Developers don't have to build authentication and user management from scratch, and can devote their energies to the core functions of the application, instead.
  • Shoring Up the Software Supply Chain Across Enterprise Applications

    Modern-day software development depends heavily on third-party components, libraries, and frameworks. Attackers are increasingly targeting these software building blocks to compromise enterprise applications. In this webinar, experts discuss the ever-expanding software attack surface. Find out where potential attack vectors are ...

  • The Ransomware Evolution: Protecting Against Professionalized Cybercriminal Operations

    Ransomware gangs are highly professional operations, with teams dedicated for customer service, help-desk, software development, distribution, and even marketing. There are marketplaces where attackers can easily pick up ransomware and attack infrastructure. Does your organization understand what kind of cybercriminal ...

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