Plus news from WD editor Jessica Strawser, starting a writing career in retirement and more.
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Writer's Digest
9 Practical Tricks for Writing Your First Novel
z Jan Ellison 100
Whether you're writing your first novel or are struggling with completing a second one (or more), sometimes you need some help focusing and figuring out how to reach your goal. Use these 9 tricks to help you go from first sentence all the way to completed novel. Read More...


An Intimate Look at Working with an Editor
(RIP Susan Vreeland)
z susan vreeland 100
We were sad to hear the news of the passing of author Susan Vreeland. Here's a piece she wrote for us not long ago that discusses what it's like for an author to work with an editor. Read More...


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From One Writing Dream Job to Another
z Jessica_Strawser NEW2016
Our editor-turned-novelist Jessica Strawser on finding a better life balance, putting writing first, and leaping into the next chapter. Read More...
A New Career as a Writer at Age 72
z Roni 100
When I retired as a professor of clinical psychology in 2006, I knew I wanted to follow a new passion. Who knew I could write a book in my retirement years. Read More...
Selling a Middle Grade Novel in Today's Publishing Climate
In this live webinar on Thursday, September 7, literary agent Suzie Townsend will share with you what you need to do in order to write and pitch a Middle Grade novel for today's market. Plus, she'll critique your query letter and the first five pages of your manuscript. Here's what else you'll learn in this webinar:
  • How to nail down the Middle Grade concept
  • What works best in the first pages of a MG novel and what doesn't
  • Common first pages mistakes and how to avoid them
  • What information is essential to your pitch and what isn't
  • Effectively using comparable titles
  • Resources and tips for what to do after the sale
  • And more!
Sign up here ...
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
Watch Out For Famous Friends: You've been given the opportunity to go on an adventure with two famous people (dead or alive). As the adventure unfolds, it becomes clear that those two famous people plan to kill you. Write a scene about that adventure, who the famous people are and what you do to escape death.

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ....
Brian A. Klems
Follow @BrianKlems
Brian A. Klems is the senior online editor of Writer's Digest and author of the popular gift book Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters.
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