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November 15, 2016

9 Reasons the Holidays Are the Best Time of Year

There’s no real reason winter should be a season to enjoy. The days are short and cold, and though it may be pretty when the first snow falls, it makes traveling difficult and quickly turns to unseemly gray slush. And did we mention how cold it can...Read More
Friends at holiday party

Incredible Recipes for a Thanksgiving-Themed Brunch Party

Thanksgiving may be traditionally known as a dinner holiday, but it doesn’t always have to be. Whether you have to squeeze in an early-morning meal before heading to work or just want to give a different twist to your gathering this holiday season,...Read More

8 Worst Thanksgiving Dinner Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Hosting Thanksgiving dinner can be intimidating. It's the biggest food day of the year for Americans and the official kickoff to the madness of the holiday season, and there’s always pressure on the host to make sure everything is just right. If it’...Read More
Stressed woman in kitchen

How to Plan a Romantic Thanksgiving When It’s Just the 2 of You

Thanksgiving isn’t the first holiday that comes to mind when you think of romance. Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Eve have that reputation locked down, while Thanksgiving seems more likely to involve eating too much and falling asleep on the couch....Read More
Happy Couple at Thanksgiving

5 Worst Foods for Bearded Men During No-Shave November

As we move deeper into the month of November, men who have decided to participate in No-Shave November to raise awareness and money for cancer are starting to see their stubble turn into fully formed beards. [related] [slideshow:1738884]Though the...Read More
Bearded Guy

4 Simple Fall Crafts to Do With Your Kids

Fall is the season of bountiful harvests, lush colors, and time with the family. Though your kids may be bumming as the temperatures drop, coax them into the autumn spirit by getting a little artsy with some inspiration from the produce and stunning...Read More
Apples stamped on paper

The Complete NASCAR Tailgating Checklist

There’s nothing like the revving of the engines, the dramatics of a tight race, and tens of thousands of people cheering in the stands as the cars drive past on a NASCAR race day. But there may be one thing that is just as good (if not better):...Read More
NASCAR Tailgate

5 DIY Wedding Projects You Can Do Right Away

Couples today have longer engagements than their parents and grandparents did, and sometimes the time between saying “Yes” and saying “I do” can feel like an eternity. With the cost of weddings skyrocketing, more and more couples not only need lots...Read More
DIY Wedding ideas
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