October 21, 2016

9 Things You Need to Know About Diabetes and Alcohol

There’s a misconception that diabetics should not consume alcohol, but the American Diabetes Association actually approves of diabetics having a drink or two. However, alcohol is not a typical carbohydrate, and understanding its relationship to...Read More
Some Alcohol Contains No Carbohydrates

Make Your Friends Salivate With These Food-Themed Halloween Costumes

Deciding what Halloween costume to wear is a challenge every single year. Once we’ve decided what party we’ll be going to and found out whether there is a theme, settling upon what to wear is the most important item on our agenda over the next few...Read More

The Fascinating Origins of the 15 Biggest Fast-Food Chains

Starting a company is no easy feat, and opening a restaurant is one of the most challenging endeavors of all. Though it may be hard to believe, the biggest fast-food chains in the country all started out at one solitary location, and each one has...Read More

Skip the PSL and Try These 9 Better-For-You Fall Beverages

Pumpkin spice lattes are sweet, warm, and delicious — but as a society, we have reached the point of PSL saturation. Starbucks may have invented the drink, more than a decade ago, but today almost every major fast-food chain and coffee shop offers...Read More
Slow-Cooker Apple Cranberry Cider

In Season Now: Take Advantage of October Produce

We live in a world where we can eat almost anything we want, whenever we want. Strawberries in December? Done. Avocados on everything all the time? Sure thing.Though this is extremely convenient, it also allows us to stay...Read More

Wine Spectator’s 36th Annual New York Wine Experience Coming to Times Square This Weekend

Wine is big business, and few publications have their finger on the pulse of the world of wine better than Wine Spectator, which is celebrating its 40th year in operation and will be hosting their 36th annual New York Wine Experience...Read More
New York Wine Experience

The Best Cupcakes in Every State

Cupcakes might not be the “it” dessert any more, but that doesn’t make them any less tasty. We still want to know: Which ones are the tastiest in each state? That’s a tall order, as the only true way to evaluate a cupcake is by stuffing it in your...Read More
The Best Cupcakes in Every State

Eat Better and Save Money With These Refrigerator Tips

There are few household occurrences sadder than reaching for something to eat in your fridge and finding it covered in mold, or soaked and sticky from a container leakage.How many times has a messy and crowded refrigerator foiled your eating plans...Read More
organize your fridge

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