How to Transition to the Cloud; Database Migration Challenges; Avoiding Cloud Vendor Lock-in

InformationWeek Cloud
August 29, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cloud Migration: 9 Ways to Ease the Agony
The pandemic spurred all companies to move to the cloud. But that doesn’t mean the job is done. Here are some tips to make the move less torturous.

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How to Transition to the Cloud

Organizations should resist the impulse to keep a chokehold on allowing technologies into the corporate environment. It's time to consider whether a move to the cloud or an expanded presence in the cloud is right for your organization.
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Why Migrating a Database to the Cloud is Like a Heart Transplant

Migrating your organization's on-premises database to a native-cloud database is fraught with challenges and potential benefits. Here are recommendations to ensure this ‘heart transplant’ doesn't fail.
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How to Save Yourself From Vendor Lock-in and a Cloud Mess

Organizations need to carefully map out their requirements and selection of providers for their cloud strategy and understand why their strategy calls for long-term planning and flexibility.
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  • Optimizing Your Network

    We're counting on our corporate networks more than ever! With more complex applications, remote access growing exponentially, and the demands from edge computing -- our already long list of challenges is mounting.

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10 Creative Ways to Slice IT Costs
How can IT leaders cut costs when inflation spikes the price of everything? Here are some innovative ideas that might help with overstrained IT budgets -- without giving up the very things they need to operate. Read More
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DevOps and Security Takeaways From Twitter Whistleblower Claims
Allegations from whistleblower Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko, Twitter’s former head of cybersecurity, raise questions about observability, access rights, and the pressures on developers. Read More
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Top Business Needs Driving IT Spending Today
Cutting costs alone won’t save the company in times of economic crisis. So, what will? Read More
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Q&A: How Data Science Fits into the Cloud Spend Equation
Shane Quinlan, director of product management with Kion, talks about establishing guardrails and opportunities for data scientists to use cloud resources. Read More
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