Almost every options trader focuses on complex indicators using stochastics, order flow, or even the Ichimoku Cloud. (But there’s a simpler way to play the options market) If you take a close look at the chart below… You’ll see what I’m talking about… Naturally, not every trade is going to work out… But, by using this one simple pattern based indicator, my team and I have been able to nail 24 straight wins in the last 7 months! These patterns tend to go unnoticed by most traders because they are too busy looking at the complex indicators that don’t even predict moves… They only follow the moves. Of course, I cannot promise future gains or protect against losses, but… Follow along for what could be the 25th win in a row.All the best, The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 2/25/20 through 1/16/25, the average win rate on live published trade alerts is 77.14%. The average weighted rate of return on options trades was 10.78% over an 11 day average hold time. |
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