The opening token share amounts to 3,404,716,599 XRP ready to be claimed in 30 days, with high addition percentages, as incentives awarded directly to the platform's users, investing oriented individuals, and other ecosystem participants. | All accounts were recorded awards with the purpose of providing the requirements and metrics in the allocation event. In light of these attributes, such as the account lifetime, operational figures, trading, and overall network partaking, the add-ons start at 15% and reach up to 30% of the claiming address token balance. Proceed with account registration by accessing the Allocation Tool. Check your eligibility and then make a request to receive confirmation and tokens. | For simple and fast submissions, increased security, and frictionless operation, we recommend using hardware devices, such as Trezor and/or Ledger and Nano X, as the claiming tool was optimized for end-to-end encryption with hardware wallet interaction. As the principal goal of this venture is userbase growth and enhanced network use, self-custody and key ownership are essential requirements, and claim submissions for ligibility accounts correlated with centralized exchanges are without exception dropped. | Community members may claim token shares only by creating or importing a private, individual XRP account address. Read the full Insights blog post for all the needed information. | |