This week's FierceBiotech is brought to you by Trianni.

Trianni has developed transgenic immunoglobulin mice capable of expressing the full human antibody repertoire.

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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) produced from transgenic mice are now established as the industry standard for biologic drug discovery and human therapy. The most favorable transgenic mice have the ability to produce a diverse repertoire of fully human monoclonal antibodies in the absence of any contaminating mouse antibody sequences; few existing or envisioned transgenic mouse platforms meet these criteria. The Trianni Mouse is the only one to do so in a single organism.

Because of The Trianni Mouse’s ability to produce high titers of highly diverse, antigen-specific leads, this particular transgenic mouse is the optimal source for producing human monoclonal antibodies with high affinity and specificity against a broad spectrum of human antigens.

Request more information about all of TRIANNI's platforms, including the newest platform offerings with enhanced features for better human antibody discovery.
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Attending BIO Convention in Boston? Schedule a 1:1 meeting with TRIANNI.
Copyright © 2018 Trianni, All rights reserved.

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