Cancer Health Email Update
Lessons and Blessings
Bishop Stacey S. Latimer, who has metastatic prostate cancer and HIV, finds healing power in clinical trials, spiritual journeys, his faith community and a large four-legged friend.
Managing the Cancer Drug Shortage Remains a Moving Target and Impacts Clinical Trials
The latest NCCN survey of cancer centers also finds that carboplatin and cisplatin supplies improved but overall shortages persist.
The Fuzzy Science on Whether Fido Is Actually Good for You
Research suggesting that pet ownership improves health is largely funded by the pet care industry. Does that matter?
Court Mostly Upholds Coverage of PrEP and Preventive Health Care, for Now
Eight employers don’t have to cover certain preventive health care, but is future coverage for all—including cancer screenings—at risk?
Check Out Our Summer 2024 Issue!
Read the entire print issue online, including the cover profile on golfer Jim Plotkin, who is playing—and winning—with leukemia, and the 2024 Cancer Health 25, which profiles people who power clinical trials.
Healthy Recipe: Vegan Pho
Classic Pho is a particular favorite when feeling under the weather.
Meet the Inaugural Class of SPARK Cancer Research Scholars
Damon Runyon launched the one-year intensive cancer research internship program for post-baccalaureate students.
#ASCO 2024
A roundup of studies presented at this year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

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