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With the help of Dr Nicole Apelian we’ve written and printed 200 copies of what is probably the best book ever written: The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods (The North American Edition).

This isn’t available for the public yet. Only to a select few.

Because I wanted to be sure you’ll find a copy in case you want it, I reserved a book under your name for one day. If you want it you have 24 hours to get it.

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods


Inside, you’ll discover over 400 wild foods that might be growing around your home and that you should take advantage of.

The most important thing that you will discover, and that many books lack, is how to correctly identify these plants.

We went through great lengths to print this book in color with HUGE pictures for each plant, to make it easy to identify.


We also added extra photos of the defining features of the plant, so you will know exactly what to look for to make the correct identification.

With the distribution map I added, you will also be able to search only for plants growing in your area.

Because I want you to be 110% safe and sure you got the right plant, I added a Poisonous-Lookalike section for each plant explaining the differences you should look for.


Each plant that has medicinal properties also has a section on how to use it as a remedy.

You will also find instructions on how to prepare the wild foods for several purposes, how and when to harvest, depending on the season, and a few delicious time-tested recipes to prepare these wild foods like a seasoned forager.


Haven’t you ever bumped into a plant, mushroom, or berry and wondered if it’s edible or not? … and what to do with it?

Learning to look after yourself with the help of what nature gives freely is the ultimate form of self-reliance, and the best thing you can do for your health.

The plant knowledge is no longer taught as it has been for thousands of generations before us. If we don’t do something about it, this knowledge will be lost forever and one day we might pay the ultimate price for this.

When you were growing up, it was probably your parents or grandparents that helped you identify your very first berry. This is something only YOU can pass down to your kids and grand-kids as they don’t learn these skills from TV, gadgets or schools.

The 400 wild plants found inside this book

Unfortunately, the number of printed books is extremely limited, and demand is extremely high, even before the book came off the presses.

Because I wanted to be sure you can have your own book, I put it aside especially for you, but I can hold it only for 24 hours.

Click here to see what’s inside The Forager's Guide to Wild Foods