The Real Reason People Aren't Beating Down the Door to Be Your Client
An article from CSA Journal 77 by Mark Hager
Are you reaching the right clients? Are your marketing efforts efficient? Are you satisfied with the ROI from your efforts?
Marketing expert Mark Hager provides valuable insights on the common struggles of business owners in the aging industry, action steps for correcting issues, and a case study of one business owner's struggles and the journey to overcome key issues.
If you are like most business owners you have encountered at least one of the following issues:
Offers don't align properly with
best customers.
Marketing isn't bringing in enough of the right new customers.
You aren't talking to people who will pay.
The people who will buy from you don't know that they should
buy from you.
This article will provide information on how to align your business with the best customers to generate more revenue - Read the full article.
The CSA Journal is provided quarterly to all Certified Senior Advisors and provides articles specifically for professionals working in the aging industry.
To learn more about the CSA Journal and to get access to the all of the articles in this issue, contact me today at 888-819-3917.