Dear John,
Dad wrote this over 20 years ago and I think it still rings true.
A Special Christmas Message: It's Christmas, Not a "Holiday Season"
Christmas can truly be the best of times for many and the worst of times for others. For Christians it truly is the best of times, because we celebrate the birth of Christ, Whom we believe is the Only-begotten Son of God, the Savior of the world, and the way to the Father. His virgin birth, death and resurrection were prophesied over 200 times in the Old Testament and all of those prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament.
For the Christian, Christmas is a joyous occasion. Even as many of us weep over the loss of loved ones, we still experience joy because we know that their eternity with Christ is an infinitely better life than the one they had on Earth.
One of the more disturbing elements of Christmas is the fact that many people have now wished us a "Happy Holiday," instead of "Merry Christmas." Many of the greeting cards we receive identify themselves as "holiday" cards. Interestingly enough, thus far I've never heard anyone wishing a Muslim during Ramadan a "Happy Holiday," or greeting a Jew during Hanukah with "Happy Holiday."
December the 25th is Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Christ. We should be saying, "Merry Christmas," not "Happy Holiday."
Here are some further thoughts on Christmas:
An anonymous writer wrote that "Christmas is more than a time for parties and ornaments, it's a time for remembering Christ and the incarnation of God's love in human flesh. There are gifts more important than the ones under the Christmas tree--the things we teach our children, the way we share ourselves with friends, and the industry with which we set about reshaping the world in our time. The finest carols are often sung by the poorest voices from hearts made warm by the wonder of Christmas. The angel's message is that we should not be afraid, that the Child of Bethlehem is able to overcome all anxieties and insecurities. I believe in prayer and quietness as a way of appropriating Christmas, that if I wait in silence I will experience the Presence of the One born in the manger, for He lives today as surely as He lived then."
A few more thoughts from a different anonymous writer who points out that "last Christmas we were thinking about all the things we didn't have--this Christmas we're thinking about all the things we do have. Last Christmas we were counting our money; this Christmas we're counting our blessings. Last Christmas we thought a man who could rush down a football field was a hero; this Christmas we know a man who rushes into a burning building is the real one. Last Christmas we were getting on one another's nerves; this Christmas we're getting on our knees."
As you think on these things I hope you will count your blessings and express gratitude for our faith, freedom, families, and the privilege of living in a country where religious freedom is protected by our Constitution.
Dad, you are still right!
Merry Christmas!
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