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Crazy Days in Alberta: The Poison Wells File

The province let oil and gas firms create a $100-billion disaster. They expect you to foot the bill.

Picking Up the Mail: Life on the Wild West Coast

EXTREMELY BC: When a trip to the post office takes half a day.

God Rest Ye Middle Class Gentlefolk

To the tune of ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.’ Part of a series of new carols for 2019.

Politics Goes Porcelain at the Museum of Anthropology

‘Playing with Fire’ exhibition of ceramics lives up to its name.

‘Take Back Little Mountain!’ Vancouver’s Housing Cry

Five demands, and a plea that Rich Coleman’s lousy deal be undone.

Bloomers and G-Strings

Woodend watches ‘Little Women’ and ‘Hustlers.’ Part of a roundup of winter film reviews.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Unless You’re Andrew Scheer)

To the tune of, well, you know... First in a series of new carols for 2019.

And Now, the Harper Comeback. Just Read the Signs

All the ways he’s campaigned for leader almost as soon as Scheer won.

Scheer’s Gone, but the Conservatives’ Troubles Are Just Beginning

Leadership race holds big perils for the increasingly out-of-touch party.

In Vancouver, Sometimes Even Houses Need to Move

The two seen here, currently renting, are waiting for their new homes to be built.

‘You Have to Get up to the Speed Limit’

Last in Dorothy Woodend’s series on learning to drive later in life.

Closing BC’s Indigenous Internet Gap

Up to two-thirds of First Nations communities still lack basic access. To fix that requires more than piecemeal solutions, says one advocate.

‘Parasite’ Takes a Big, Juicy Bite Out of Capitalism

A must-watch in our roundup of Woodend’s winter film reviews.

Driving, Ms. Dorothy

On finally taking the wheel and merging into traffic. Third in a series.

Canadian Oilsands Firm Denied Its Own Science On Climate Change

While Imperial Oil was calling the link between fossil fuels and global warming an ‘unproven hypothesis,’ internal reports had confirmed the connection.

How the ‘New NAFTA’ Will Affect Canadians

Small gains for workers, but the environment gets a shoddy deal.

Tyee Readers Say: Give Teens the Vote!

We asked, you answered. Here’s how you feel about proposals to lower the voting age to 16.

Kenney’s Conspiracy Theories Crashing into Realities of Corporate Climate Risk

While premier rails against Alberta credit downgrade, financial world recognizes global warming threat.

‘Knives Out’: An Old-Fashioned Murder Mystery with a Chef’s Surprise

Part of a roundup of Woodend’s winter film reviews.

I Finally Read the Driver’s Manual. There’s a Lot Missing

Second in Dorothy Woodend’s series on learning to drive later in life.