Good morning, Marketer, and have we reached normal yet?

Early on in the pandemic, marketers (and everybody else) realized how true it was that change is constant. 

Of course, this constant change has always been a reality in the evolving landscape of marketing technology. Below, Kim Davis offers a long view on some of that change, which shows no sign of letting up.

And that’s what makes our annual MarTech Replacement Survey so important every year. What change has proven to be most valuable for marketers? That gets to the heart of the survey and of the news and insights we cover each day. We all can be agents of change, and innovative marketers are the agents of change in marketing technology.

Chris Wood,

How to make the most of cohort analysis

Cohort analysis is becoming a competitive necessity, especially as tracking and targeting individuals becomes more difficult.

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How did you change up your stack? Take the 2022 MarTech Replacement Survey

Have you moved from homegrown legacy applications to commercial solutions (or vice versa)? And what impact have those changes had on your team? Take our 3-minute survey.

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Why your clients struggle with marketing reporting

The biggest value you can provide to your clients as an agency is transparent and actionable reporting. This article shows you how you can provide the right reporting to enhance trust and retain more clients.

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Is there any incentive to crack down on programmatic ad fraud?

"Everyone wants it to continue because they're making money." Why people don't want the ad fraud problem solved.

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Webinar: 5 Proven Ways to Boost Funnel Conversion Rates in 2022

When it comes to lead generation, it’s important to understand the need to balance lead quantity and lead quality. Focusing on just generating more leads is not the key to more revenue. Understanding each stage of the funnel and optimizing the conversion rate at these different stages will convert leads to customers. Join this webinar to learn how to improve conversion rates by refining your strategy within the funnel and focusing on and measuring what matters and effective techniques to successfully boost your buyer engagement.

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Using analytics to optimize marketing spend and drive sales

CarMax maps out their growing omnichannel marketing analytics strategy.

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Aggregation is key to the new Martech Map

For years, integration has been a central challenge for martech stacks. Aggregation is solving that problem according to the MarTech Map report.

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Become a master of MarTech

Say hello to the MarTech Master Classes, expert-led tours through critical marketing topics — including buying martech, attribution analysis, and Google Analytics 4. 100% live. 100% virtual. 100% actionable.

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Quote of the day. “A cohort is a form of a segment. All cohorts are segments, but not all segments are cohorts.” Eric Sloan, director of strategy at performance marketing agency Thrive Digital.


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