A Competitor By Conviction
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” - Romans 12:1
The FCA Competitor’s Creed ends with three key identities of an athlete or coach competing for Christ: “I am the Lord’s warrior, a competitor by conviction and a disciple of determination.” Each identity speaks to our call as followers of Jesus. He has given 100% of himself for us, so what does 100% mean for us?

Today, we will be focusing on “I am a Competitor by Conviction.”

Conviction is the result of strongly held beliefs. What do you believe that dictates the way you compete and live? What grounds you, but also propels you?

The convictions of Jesus were clear. For example, think of Mark 12:30-31. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” He built His foundation on the truth of God’s heart and it impacted His every action.

From the root of your convictions comes the reality of your responsibilities as a Competitor for Christ: your effort, your attitude and your body. 

“I am made to strive, to strain, to stretch and to succeed in the arena of competition.” When it is easy to cut corners, I choose to run with integrity. When I’m tired of getting up early, I dig deep to practice gratitude. Each day is an opportunity to be excellent for the glory of God.

“My attitude on and off the field is above reproach –my conduct beyond criticism.” I understand that my life is a living testimony to my coaches and teammates. I will take part in my team as both a leader and a learner. No task is above or below me when I am committed to the servanthood of Jesus.

“My body is the temple of Jesus Christ. I protect it from within and without. Nothing enters my body that does not honor the Living God.” The body God has given me is a gift to be grateful for. People and choices might try to push me around, but I can stand firm by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am created in the likeness of God Almighty to bring Him glory.

I am a Competitor by Conviction.
  • What core beliefs impact your way of living and thinking, on and off the field?
  • How can your effort today be different because you know the effort Jesus gave in everything He did?
  • How can you choose the way of Jesus in your attitude today?
  • If you really believe that your body is temple from God, how might you need to adjust the way you treat it?
Father God, thank You the conviction of your love that sent Jesus to earth. This love has changed everything for me and I want to be transformed from the inside out. Help me to walk in the power of Your Holy Spirit to live out Your desires for my effort, attitude, and body. You have given me each of these things and I want to steward them with wisdom.
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