It's probably our number one justification for avoiding the things we know are in our best interest to attend to. This is particularly true when it comes to our spiritual practice and the inner life.
What if you had a way to make time for your spiritual practice without having to add or subtract anything from your day-to-day life? Doorways into Presencegives you just such an opportunity.
In this new 7-week online program with Eckhart Tolle, the primary purpose is to make your spiritual life and your "regular" life one and the same. You don't have to do anything different—the invitation is to bring more Being into what you're already doing.
As we hope you'll discover, when we shift out of the stress-making, future-focused thinking mind and into what Eckhart calls the "vertical dimension" of Presence, we reclaim enjoyment in what we're doing—and often experience much better results along the way.
Join us for Doorways into Presence, and find out for yourself how a new outlook on the present moment brings deeper satisfaction and fulfillment no matter the size of your to-do list.
With you on the path, Your friends at Eckhart Teachings
P.S. If you've been considering enrolling, you can still do so—and get 40% off the regular price.