Good morning, Marketer, how well do you think you know your customers?

Let’s start with a common assumption: Do you think your customer is on a linear journey? A lot of marketing strategies cling to a linear model that takes the customer from the top of the funnel through to a sale (or multiple sales). Even if you think hard about your current customers and the complex range of channels they’re on, you might fall back on the linear “funnel-based” way of thinking.

Today, our contributor Ana Mourão outlines a different way to think about the customer journey. Instead of marketing funnels, think “growth loops.”

Also today, Integrate introduces a new tool that aims at delivering better privacy and compliance for lead data. And here are some ways that influencers can help strengthen B2B brands.

Chris Wood,


Marketing management

Why marketers should focus on growth loops, not funnels


Find out how these strategic cycles can level up your marketing, break down team silos and drive better results.

Marketing privacy

Integrate introduces Data Guardian for privacy and compliance


In order for leads to be fully marketable, without legal risk, lead data collection needs to comply with existing and emerging regulations.

B2B marketing

Influencer marketing: The bridge between B2B brands and genuine connections


Take a deep dive into the metrics and intangibles of influencer marketing for B2B and how it can amplify trust, authenticity and brand resonance.

Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)

How advertisers can leverage AI and automation at scale


Striking the balance between AI and human oversight, for brand safety, strategy and performance.

MarTech webinar

Tomorrow! Turn one-time buyers into lifelong fans


Sick of acquiring new customers only to see them slip away? Join us for an exclusive webinar revealing how top brands use cross-channel marketing to transform one-time buyers into loyal brand advocates.

Mobile marketing

Mobile apps see a surge in consumer use and spending


Consumers spent $100 billion on mobile apps faster than ever this year and emerging markets saw a big increase in app use.


Marketing privacy

3 privacy-centric solutions for marketing compliance


Stay ahead of changing regulations and consumer sentiment with these privacy-centric solutions for marketers.


Unlock 27% more site traffic and 2x ROAS with this CTV strategy


Download this guide to learn strategies for running prospecting and retargeting campaigns together with turnkey creative variations to maximize site traffic and ROAS.


Guarantee trust by handing privacy power back to the consumer


The way to break marketing's "privacy paradox" is to lead with first-party data transparency.

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The complete fall MarTech season is now available


Unlock nearly 50 sessions, meetups, demos, keynotes, and more — all for free — at MarTech. No calendar reminders. No countdown, no calendar reminder, no hidden catch.

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