| By KASEY BUBNASH | Staff writer |
Good morning and thanks for starting your week with us. Here are some of the day's top headlines. Rideau recognized: Wilbert Rideau spent 44 years in prison after he robbed a Lake Charles bank in 1961 at age 19, fatally shooting a teller and wounding two others. He walked out at 62 a national prison journalist who had led The Angolite news magazine for decades. Last month, Rideau was feted in New York as one of 16 George Polk Awards “laureates,” a roster that includes the likes of Watergate reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. John Simerman talked with Rideau about his work and how it changed prisons across the U.S. Beverly at Essence: The sold-out Maze and Frankie Beverly concert on May 25 was billed as Beverly’s final New Orleans show before his impending retirement. But now Beverly is also slated to appear at the 2024 Essence Festival on July 7. Here's what we know so far about Beverly's upcoming festival appearance. Schedule IV: Louisiana lawmakers will debate a bill today that would classify two medications used for abortion, mifepristone and misoprostol, as Schedule IV drugs, a designation normally reserved for drugs misued recreationally. Emily Woodruff has the details. Thanks for reading, and check out all the latest news, sports and entertainment coverage from The Times-Picayune. Kasey |