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MIT OpenCourseWare
“Hopefully there's a way for all of you to realize how amazing and great what you are doing is. You are breaking boundaries, and giving knowledge to people who may never step a foot into college because they haven't had the chance. I sincerely couldn't have any more respect for all of you, your crew and the conviction that knowledge is not meant to be a possession of few, but a gift to be shared with all mankind."
- Nicolas, fan of OCW’s YouTube Channel
Dear John,

Openly sharing is part of OpenCourseWare’s DNA. We want people to freely use, reuse, and distribute our materials far and wide because sharing knowledge is one of the ways we help elevate one another. This is how we can support a better world.

If you haven’t yet, please consider supporting our work and help us continue to create and share the educational materials so many people rely upon through OCW.


Krishna Rajagopal
Dean for Digital Learning, Open Learning
William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics

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