"Without chaos, there's very little story to tell."
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Writer's Digest
A Good Story Must Be Disturbing
z Mark Rubinstein 100
As David Mamet once said to me, "If Hamlet comes home from school, and his dad asks him how school was, and Hamlet says, 'It was fine, Dad,' it's boring." Whether you're writing a literary novel, a psychological, medical, legal or spy thriller, or even a cozy mystery, for a novel to be engaging, it must center on human conflict and disturbance. Here's what you need to know. Read More...
Land the Top 5 Freelance Writing Projects

The demand for good writers has never been higher...

All you need to know is where the best projects are and how to land them.

And special report Top 5 Freelance Writing Assignments for 2017 reveals the five best opportunities for writers today and the best practices for achieving success.

You'll learn the #1 skill you need to land the best writing gigs... where to find quality clients... how to command higher fees... and much more!

Click here to download your FREE copy of Top 5 Freelance Writing Assignments for 2017.


A Shocking (and Fun) Short Story Writing Technique
z-Noelle Sterne-150
You've probably been taught that short stories follow the time-revered rule: Limit your story to a specific time, place, event, interaction, or character's evolution. But the short story can be a more versatile genre than your high school English teacher sermonized. If we abide by too narrow a view, we may restrict or dilute our subjects or abandon potentially powerful ideas. Think about expansion. Read More...


Write What You Know: Fiction, Brought to You by Real Life
z Michele Campbell 100
Novelist Michele Campbell shares advice on how writers should draw inspiration from their real life-through where they live, their occupation, and much more. Read More...


How to Conquer the Dreaded Synopsis
Shake off your fear and frustration and let us help you master the art of writing the synopsis! In this live webinar presented by literary agent Nephele Tempest on June 1, will show you how to tackle the task head on and to generate the right synopsis for your project - and your audience. Here's what you'll learn by registering for this event:
  • How to break down your plot into manageable parts
  • How to emphasize the most important details of your project
  • How to build interest in your story while remaining concise
  • How to maintain a tone consistent with your manuscript
  • How to produce a synopsis for a project that is incomplete
  • How to adapt the length of your synopsis depending on its intended use
  • And more!

Register by clicking here ...
Literary Agent Boot Camp: Perfecting Submission Materials
In this brand new boot camp from Fuse Literary Agency, attendees will learn how to put together a short yet effective query letter, a one- to two-page book synopsis (fiction), and a nonfiction book proposal. They'll also learn some best practices for submitting their query, pages, and synopsis and/or proposal to agents. Each attendee will have the opportunity to interact one-on-one with an agent and receive a valuable critique of ten pages of their work in any combination: query letter, manuscript pages, synopsis, or proposal. Starts June 20. Sign up here ...
Your Writing Platform: Letting Readers Know the (Sort of) Real You
z Barbara ONeal 100
Need an online platform but feel squeamish about connecting with strangers? Here's how to create the illusion of intimacy on social media. Here's what they want (and how to submit) ...
Self-Publishing Toolkit
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
Finish This Sentence #6 - Unusual Weapon of Choice: I had never seen it used as a weapon before, but when he tried to attack me with a ________, I couldn't help but laugh. I wasn't going to let him take the treasure from me-I needed it to save a life. (Write a story that follows these lines.)

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ....
Brian A. Klems
Follow @BrianKlems
Brian A. Klems is the senior online editor of Writer's Digest and author of the popular gift book Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters.
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