Life with psoriasis is challenging in the best of times — and then came the pandemic. Here's how to minimize your coronavirus exposure, change your psoriasis treatment if necessary, cope with anxiety, and get help paying for meds.
Life with psoriasis is challenging in the best of times — and then came the pandemic. Here's how to minimize your coronavirus exposure, change your psoriasis treatment if necessary, cope with anxiety, and get help paying for meds.
Alisha is passionate about psoriasis: She blogs, posts skin-baring photos on social media, and has spoken to Congress. But some days she doesn’t want to be a “walking billboard” for it.
People with scalp psoriasis may feel embarrassed or even stigmatized, particularly when others mistakenly think the condition is contagious. But there are some steps you can take to manage scalp psoriasis and fight those stubborn flakes.
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