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December 19, 2016 


What Washington's Rivals Stand to Gain From Hacking the Presidential Campaign

Earlier this month, U.S. President Barack Obama ordered the intelligence community to conduct a full review of the 2016 presidential election before Donald Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017. Accusations are flying over the theft of several political figures' emails. Many have accused Russia of trying to damage Clinton's campaign to give Trump a leg up, which may have been Russia's intention all along.

For more, listen to our Stratfor Talks podcast episode, U.S. Foreign Policy Implications of a Trump Presidency.

This month only, buy two subscriptions for the price of one. Learn more.



A Stratfor Holiday Gift Guide

With the holiday season in mind, we have compiled a list of 20 gift ideas to sharpen the mind and cast the world in a new light.



Russia and Japan Inch Closer Toward Reconciliation 

Shifts in the global order could pave the way for the two countries to put their long-standing differences behind them.



Climate Agreement Will Only Hasten Transition Beyond Oil

The agreement signed Dec. 12 at the climate summit in Paris is just a small part of a broader energy transition driven by technological change.



In the South China Sea, Vietnam Stands Its Ground

Fortifying islands is a tried-and-true tactic for staking maritime claims, but in the face of Chinese ambitions, it may not be enough.

Discover more about China by watching this video: China's Geographic Challenge.


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